Jul 18Liked by Marianne Williamson

Thank you for running for president

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My relatively recent family history includes the deportation of most of my aunts, uncles, cousins and their extended families to the killing centers in Poland and Germany. It happened then and we presume that it was done by evil haters who had the power to do so with the support of many. Hitler had many allies and many ordinary people participated in these acts of savagery.

We are a nation of immigrants who built much with the unpaid labor of slaves, but also the hard work of people from many places who saw this land as a beacon of hope and opportunity. The land was stolen from the first Nations but for a long time this was seen as acceptable. It is no longer acceptable. The racist plan of the republican white supremacist ideology is not something we will tolerate although given the corruption in the Supreme Court and many parts of Congress, WE THE PEOPLE don't see a way at this minute. We can and must speak through our vote. Thank you Marianne.

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Thanks for bringing this up, Marianne. I've been saying since 2016 that we need to start protecting immigrants. I hope people get into action now.

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Let’s prepare ourselves emotionally for a great outcome, a blue win, a peaceful world.

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I’m so glad you’re here

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I used to be with you on this, but with the changes of these last 8 years, we cannot address our borders as we once did.

What would you suggest we do with the 8 million immigrants who have crossed our border over the last four years? Integrate everyone? Regardless of whether or not they have asylum claims (which 95% of the ones of these last 4 years do not)? How about the many military age men who are coming from Africa, Asia and the Middle East via our southern border? Should we know more about them or track them just in case some of them are involved in foreign military operations? Should we be tracking people who are here without green cards or citizenship? Are you ok with drug traffickers in Mexico reaping massive financial rewards for getting people across our borders? Are you are of the child sex trafficking that is insufficiently addressed by our current border policies? Do you know that American child sex traffickers are using our lax southern border policies to import and enslave kids who are drawn in by the promise to make $6/hr until they work off their debts - in forced erotic labor? Did you know the US is among the worst offenders of child sex trafficking?

I'm all for immigration, but we need limits and qualifications for people entering our country. And it's not right that taxpayer money is paying for their travel, lodging and food while veterans are sleeping on the streets, and mothers and children in our own country do not have the support they need.

We cannot continue as we have. It is NOT compassionate and it is breaking us. Please look more deeply into the complexities of our border issues. Please address these grave issues so we can find the right balance of immigration and compassion without supporting dark industries or taking on more than our country can support.

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Thank you for bringing this up. I too have concerns for all that we have allowed and are paying for. It seems we have extreme policies on both sides of this and that enough money is being spent/given away that we could do so much better. I love one of my friends "do gooder" campaign that supports Guatemalan youth to get higher educations to have better opportunities that allows them and their whole family to stay in their country. I tend to agree with her that most would choose to stay if conditions and opportunity were available.

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We must stand firm and united with the deepest of compassion for one another, this country and this planet as we weather the winds of change we're feeling right now. Your amazing leadership makes all the difference in what we do next and in the world, MW. Thank you, Madam President!!!

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I heard a delegate from the island of Guam extol how Trump is the epitome of power. Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Mao all exuded power-until things fell apart. The only real power is that of people working together.

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Take anything on the Republican agenda and we can shred it as logically as you have done here with their mass deportation advocacy. Obviously, however, Trump supporters don't get the consequences of what he would do. So now what? I'm looking for a committee to figure that out. Sign up, Marianne. You don't have to go through any hoops to prove yourself to me -- I keep saying that if everyone just heard the platforms from potential candidates, you'd be our president: "Looking for a committee to think with for a Conversation to Save the World" https://suzannetaylor.substack.com/p/looking-for-a-committee-to-think

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Just watched you on ch4 News this evening UK (Saturday 20th July) what a lovely surprise !👏🏼👏🏼Well done.

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And do not kid yourself. This is exactly what would happen.

Thanks, Marrianne, for this warning about what will happen if Trump becomes President, an occurrence that we cannot let happen for the sake of the USA and the world. The alternative is for you or whoever the Democratic Party chooses, preferably you, becomes our next President for eight years.

God bless you and God bless the USA with you as her President for eight years.

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It is truly scary. The Republicans fail to see that they are a completely dependent and interdependent aspect of the eco system of life. They 'other' everything outside themselves. It is one giant narcissistic viewpoint. It is is sadly built on the dual aspect of firstly, capitalism, based on its basic and awful premise of humans being intrinsically self self serving and secondly, sped up by a 20th century psychology of the individual self above all else. A disastrous recipe. We need true humility - the thing Trump has zero of

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He’s terrifying, and I don’t even live in the USA. But the consequences for the rest of the world are very real if he gets into power again.

Those who rule with an iron fist create fear around them, so much so that people will turn their backs on what they know to be the right and proper thing to do. History has show us this, and also it’s obvious that anyone with eyes to see, know that many of those around Trump serve him out of fear. Their better angels having taken flight.

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So, apparently it is the thinking of this lady that laws are to be ignored and violators have no consequences. Also, any comparison to Hitler’s Germany is sick thinking at the highest level.

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To compare the potential deportation of illegal aliens to the Nazi deportation and extermination of Jewish citizens is a false comparison. A basic requirement of any nation, to be a nation, is to have secure borders. This once-great nation needs secure borders. Illegal aliens need to be stopped and returned to their home nations. That is all. I have spoken. Thank you for allowing comments.

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