We absolutely need radical change. Term limits and election finance reform, along with a multi-party system that eliminates the two party monopoly, would be a good beginning. The solutions are not difficult to imagine, but how can we overcome the institutionalized corrution in all branches of government. Radical change will not come from within, yet forces for positive change are threatened, intimidated and subjected to relentless character assassination by the corporate media puppets. Culture wars and fear have been weaponized to terrorize those who seek to change the system. However, we can align our collective energy in service to the vision of a world that is transformed by love, compassion and justice for all. We must remember to harness the power of our thougths, our prayers and the goodness that resides within our hearts. That is my profound desire.

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Aug 1, 2022·edited Aug 1, 2022

Thank you for this beautiful writing. I sometimes think it easier to see the problem and much more difficult to take the practical, day to day, moment to moment, steps to change it.

This Goliath of current corruption has become quite large.

Many people want change…

But the how gets lost.

Perhaps we can make the first concrete, practical step together? But what is that? After recognizing the problem. Feeling the full weight and grief of it. What next? What is the next loving and radical step?

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Your are asking the write questions Angelina! I think we need a Zoom national town-hall style meeting with the people to start an innovative strategy.

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Aug 1, 2022·edited Aug 1, 2022

Yes! Exactly! Perhaps Marianne Williamson can be a catalyst in this way. How can we come together in meaningful discussion with respect and openness. The problem is “discussion” has not been a strong suit of our national identity. Autonomy and moral rightness has. Making true discourse tricky but not impossible.

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It seems to me that the need to raise political contributions has become the root of all evil. Canada shows us how to manage without them.

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Thanks for this Marianne.

As far as an Englishman can tell, not having spent a huge amount of time in the USA during his 72 year lifetime, it all seems fair enough. But you neglect, if I may say so, America's foreign policy.

Eisenhower, who you recently and with good reason praised for many things began the trend which America has long continued of destroying healthy democratic governments across the world when it suited America's view of the balance of power. This has almost always been done covertly, via the CIA or related institutions. Eisenhower crushed democracies in Guatemala and the Congo for instance not because the Communists had a hold on them but because he was frightened, on the basis of no hard evidence, that that might develop. Many of America's atrocities, including of course Vietnam, were down to the Cold War, and the Cold War was not fought for no reason. Stalin did want to take over the world, it was Communist doctrine. It was very difficult for the USA not to react.

Unfortunately Kennedy, whose main focus was foreign policy, who finessed the Cuba crisis and was on the point of withdrawing troops from Vietnam was assassinated. I am not going to go into how that happened.

My point is that the USA is locked into a global situation. We have a new cold war today because Russia has been dissed (as we say over here) on a regular basis by Bush, Obama and treated like Mr Punch by Trump.

Paranoia in foreign poliocy leads to defensive postures at home which has long been a feature of the American psyche.

Its not just an American problem, Britain is locked in psychotic delusion as evidenced by its withdrawal from the EU, its greatest benefactor in recent years.

I understand your criticism of drip drip policies but I also feel Biden is doing a great job of working with the very limited consensus he has at managing the war in Ukraine and inching toward action on climate change etc.

I have no magic wand, I am just trying to contribute to the debate.

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Hmm. Doug, you had me intrigued until you mentioned Ukraine. I predict history will show that our support of that country going back to 2014 with military training and arms eventually led to Putin's push, once again, to cease territory after Georgia and Crimea. In simple terms, the U.S. defense industry was licking their lips about profits to gain from another military confrontation and it has worked well for them hasn't it? But no true diplomacy was used for years to maintain peace with Russia. So the U.S. is actually complicit in a war that may go on for years and continue to create disunity. Shameful.

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Thanks for that. It is not clear to me that US military aid to Ukraine was significant before Russia seized Crimea in 2014 and began to infiltrate the Donbas. However in my view the reason for Putin's militancy in recent years has been the constant advance of NATO and Russia's exclusion from it despite Putin's request to be admitted soon after he became President. In 2000 Russia was still a newbie as a capitalist country and wanted to be shown the ropes and allowed to join the club. To some extent Bill Clinton understood this and tried to help Yeltsin but subsequent US presidents didn't get it and had other things on their minds. Putin hated the fact that Russia's influence was diminished after the collapse of the USSR and wanted help which never came.

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Doug, good points. Yet, money wins over diplomacy and conflict resolution that keeps our planet devolving while falsely blaming the other that is no other!

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You are delusional. Biden has done nothing productive for the American people!

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I think you are delusional!

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Our Republic and the Democratic Process

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Such clarity and articulation. Thank you, Marianne! Yes, yes, yes. Truth. Collectively, we are the “sleeping giant” may we sleep no more. 💜

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"There's way more of us than them.":



I can't help but look around and feel like things are getting out of hand

We've been told to trust the science, but the science just doesn't make sense

What about informed consent? What about due diligence?

It seems like the country that I used to call home is surely slipping away

I can't help but look around and feel like things are slowly starting to change

Freedom is a choice, and its available to all if we chose

But first things first, you gotta turn off the news

What about informed consent? What about due diligence?

It seems like the country that I used to call home is surely slipping away

If you're late to the party, there's plenty room at the table

This side don't discriminate

I'm calling on every single man, woman, child if they're able

It's time to take the streets and liberate

But please don't be a part of the problem, staying willfully ignorant

'cuz there's just way too much at stake

Yo, it's OK to change your mind, you can admit you were wrong

'cuz where there's perfect Love, there ain't no shame

Heavenly Father, show me what I don't understand yet

I got my marching orders, I don't fully know the plans yet

Hold on to my Bible before bed, no it ain't banned yet

Did you know the makers of the vaccine make the Xanax?

I would never lean on corporations for morality

'cuz they put their profits over people for their salaries

I know trying to make you bend the knee for your normality

I know you're feeling all alone, but in reality

There's way more of us than them.


Written / Produced by Matt Brevner

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1) We need a shift from fear to love .

RE Politics( the art of deception and the will to power).

I believe you missed the central banking elephant in the room.

How can you have a democracy( rule by the people) in politics?

The govt always gets in, and it tells you who " wins" following the unfair and biased media election process( circus). So called opposing Parties( ego) and the other political ideology some of which you still believe in, was designed to make you vote give your authority to govt.

Only God( and the holy spirit) should be your authority.

We have a central banking economic system that totally controls the political system.

All the political agendas follow the money.9/11, CONvID19 now the twitter war.

What is collectively believed is spread (and its spread by media). media amplifies unconsciousness. You will never see reality in the media metaverse that is an upside down propaganda stream of fear.

The central bankers select and run the media spokespeople /corporate Presidents. Its good more are seeing the oligarchy.

Economic depressions are caused when the banksters contract the economy( an economy that is a giant fictional reserve ponzi scheme). The central bankers profiting out of debt (made by govts using our name).

Wars are profitable for the central bankers and their multinationals . They know if you want to control people fear is how its done.

If you look deeper war is the dialog of fear(ego)

The solution to human unconsciousness is not to be found in politics.

It is in us switching to love.

Becoming conscious( awake).

As it is our fear and feeling separate( a good example fear idea is dem vs rep ) is collectively manifesting the "hell".


Peace and Love

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Brilliant. Absolutely the truth in every word. Bravo and Goddess Save America.

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You're doing such a stellar job of speaking clear, obvious truth.

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Yes, to all you have said here! The biggest threat to the well-being of far too many people in this country is the primacy of those who buy the message that: "College kids are feckless and lazy. Make them pay off every cent of their debts! We owe the sick veterans nothing. They knew what they were getting into, when they reported for duty! If we soak the rich, there will be no rich left!" The saddest part about all of that is that many of the people who spout such nonsense are the very ones who are themselves suffering, and just playing the role of useful idiots to the likes of Trump, Bannon, McConnell and their real-time Democratic allies.

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Powerful words, Marianne. From your keyboard to God's ears...

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Great read, and 100% on point!!!!

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Aug 2, 2022·edited Aug 3, 2022

Be VERY, VERY careful and discerning which "radical" solution you choose; the powers that *shouldn't* be have a off-the-shelf ready, "radical" solution cooked up & ready to serve that is focus group tested for maximum herd appeal, and it will take us all over the edge into a dystopian existence that will steal not just our security, but our freedoms and our very souls. Agenda 2030, the Great Reset, Resetting the Table, whatever name brand they market it with, it is pure evil. Beware the appeal of their slick marketing delivered through captured mainstream media and nearly every institution we've previously relied on for guidance, in all arenas from media, government, academia, religion, etc. They all have been perverted by the infinite wealth acquired by extraction from us, the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of this country and planet to the Corporatocracy, WITH OUR IMPLICIT CONSENT over the past years/decades. It's time to think for ourselves and stop complying. Time to be mindful of our choices/consents and JUST SAY NO to the corrupted "expert" solutions.

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Thank you for all you have done and are continuing to do Marianne. What you say is pure Truth.

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Absolutely right, Marianne. Now it's time, before the pitchforks come out, to formulate the common vision within all our forward-thinking silos, create the solutions, get it out there, and sign up the people.

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