militarizing the police goes with the criminalization of homelessness, poverty, social and psychological issues that create a class of people that are marginalized as it is. $90 million should be used to create shelters with the support needed to help people deal with the problems of substance abuse, underemployment and mental health issues. We are not asleep simply astounded by the partisan chaos at all levels of government and those who support it.

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“‘Cop Cities’ are infrastructure for a police state, at odds with the very idea of a free society … Only We the People can solve the problem now, through awareness and non-violent activism … America is standing at a critical crossroads, between what Lincoln called “a new birth of freedom” and an authoritarian future inching closer and closer every day … There’s nothing theoretical about any of this. It’s very real and it’s happening now.” Great Writing … Thank You for doing this!

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Cops are outta control by the general public. Police unions are powerful, particularly in major metros. Our deeply corrupted and corruptive court system, particularly at the upper federal levels are nothing more than protective devices for the Uber-rich and major corporate interests, particularly egregious in their contra-constitutional "qualified immunity" "rulings".

On a Constitutional level, there is no provision whatsoever for courts to "rule". Determinative laws are the province of Congress and the respective state legislatures. Judges, because of the tight connexion between the American Bar Association and Temple Court, in City of London, of which the ABA is a subordinate entity; no right to CREATE laws.

Separation of powers is rapidly being destroyed by the ruling elites in our ruptured republic.

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For the longest time, it seemed, those on the Far Right were harping about "concentration camps", which they claimed were being set up by Barack Obama's DHS. Nothing of the sort was ever in place. And now? We see Cop Cities, a separate housing and training scheme for police-with who knows how much backing from the same people who accused Obama of Fascism!

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Gary: It strikes me as unfortunate that you are still somewhat caught up within the paradigm of an ideological perspective. The ruling elites count on the American people being divided into Democrats and Republicans, Rightists and Leftists. "A house divided cannot stand". These wise words from Abraham Lincoln should be heeded by all caring Americans.

When the people remain divided between Right and Left it will soon come about that we will have no rights left.

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

Deep down, I know that the problem is with the wirepullers. Words matter, and so if I give the impression, through my words, of naivete-my apologies. There is much less of a chasm between "Right" and "Left" than we have been led to believe.

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Gary: Gracious response. That chasm erodes steadily, particularly amongst the more mature generations...at least amongst those of us who struggle to retain open minds and do not get mired in ideological swamps. Problem areas now are with the Wokies, generally younger types who have been swarmed with messages in "higher educational" environments by professors with agendas along with peer pressures.

Overall, however, people are facing growing economic squeezing, while becoming aware of the realities that the hyperwealth types are rolling in lucre, while the pro$titicians are playing their usual games to make money on the markets with stock-tips and more from "interested" parties and their lobbyists.

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Isn’t Atlanta democrat? Both the Republicans and the democrats support this on going division. Cop City is bad for society. Politicians create the problems and then offer up Cop City as the solution.

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You are quite correct in being aware of the bipartisan support for the metastasizing police state...at virtually all levels of governance. You also have got it about the pro$titicians (on behalf of the ruling elite and other powerful players) creating problems so that they can "solve" them at the taxpayers' expense and in the whole process, creating greater and more egregious problems...wash, rinse, cycle.

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They probably killed Karen Silkwood, but I guess they successfully buried the evidence. I love the Gettysburg Address reference because I am hoping our nation could have “a new birth of freedom.”

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Yes, the African-American mayor of Atlanta, a Democrat, supports this initiative. True story: Create the problem, then rush in with a "solution".

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I agree with you 100%. Thanks for always speaking truth to power.

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Shouldn’t the DOJ be involved were peoples rights are being trampled on I’m not a lawyer just seems to me that perhaps the federal government should be involved

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Rattle sends a daily email to my inbox--and here's today's poem--and the poet's afterword, which is as powerful as the poem itself: https://www.rattle.com/im-lying-in-bed-now-by-ron-riekki/

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And I'm not saying there is no injustice here!

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Human insanity in all its forms is dangerous.

This, making it about race, is a media meme. I spreads racism.

I think you are not quite grasping it the (egoic) State /govt is authoritarian( not in the mind made future that is not real -but now).

But I agree more cops in citys is not a solution.

But at the end of the day its an illusion and we need not dwell on it.

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We are in spiritual Armageddon

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Thank you, Marianne. You were on point, as usual. Waking up is not done just but drinking coffee. I believe thinks are changing for the highest good of all. However, I just don't know how many more senseless killing we have to endure to make the necessary changes. I guess everything has its way to unfold. Much Love, Light, and Peace.

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