I respect you and your work but you would best serve this country if you let Kamala step up.

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The DNC trolls are back!

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That may be true but for the DNC to simply anoint a candidate is not democracy. We voting Americans deserve to have a choice and when I read Marianne's issue page I see she has a plan for the presidency.

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We don't need chaos and division, we need to unite behind Kamala. She doesn't need detractors on both sides of the aisle right now. This is for the sake of democracy. A free-for-all convention would just be chaos and send the wrong message for this very important election.

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Seems like no one wants to give MW a chance. Not very democratic. Marianne you would be

Welcomed with open arms

And powerful authority if you come to MAGA!

We love your message.

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We recognize the danger our democracy is in right now because of Trump. That is the main threat to our country right now. Anything that weakens our chances, like the "open" convention, which is an opportunity for self-promotion at the expense of unity, will cause us to lose to Trump. She's served as vice president. She is the most qualified to run for office now. We will have our first woman president. She deserves all of our support now.

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Thank you Jean, you are always a voice of reason on this chat.

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We recognize the danger to our democracy because of Trump so we are going to let the donors and a few power players pick our candidate regardless of the voter… Jean you are suffering from cognitive dissonance. Go sit in a corner, out loud say, “I forgive Donald Trump for whatever he did that hurt me.” Then ask God to open your eyes. If you feel the sudden need to vomit, do it. It’s just an exorcism.

Be blessed.

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Democracy is in danger because of the Democratic Party - 1st Step is for them to stop blaming Trump for everything, and do their job.

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Over $47 million in donations for Harris by small grass-root donations. Five states so far have pledged their delegates. These states have already pledged their delegates to Kamala Harris for President:

1. Tennessee

2. North Carolina

3. South Carolina

4. New Hampshire

5. Texas

These possible presidential candidates have endorsed her:

Gavin Newsom, Josh Shapiro, Amy Klobuchar, Mark Kelly, Pete Buttigieg.

This race may be over before it even starts! (Per Amy Siskind)

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The democrat party won’t exist for the 2028 election. This is the final death rattle.

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Don't be silly. Harris has got this. It's actually quite beautiful symmetry, a former attorney general running against a convicted felon.

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You can make a whole lot of promises when you have never played the game, it sounds good. MW will go in and make all these changes because she that good. Right! Mike Tyson said it best, everyone has a plan until they get hit in the face.

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Kamala is better than MW?

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Kamala can win this. This country is not quite ready for MW.

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Perhaps not the women of today but hopefully the women of tomorrow deserve the first female president to be a much better person than Kamala. Someone much more serious and respected. Kamala is a joke.

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No, Kamala isn't better than MW. But doesn't MW herself see the Democratic Party as a whole and the DNC specifically as fixable entities? So isn’t her entire primary campaign one big systemic contradiction?

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The best thing that could happen to the democrat party is a resounding loss. They gaslit their voters for years about Bidens health, they put everyone in danger because no one knows who is running the country and they just disenfranchised their primary voters.

If you want your party back they must lose.

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It's interesting that the Comment Section under this video on YT is predominantly supportive. Which is totally not the case here. But most of these criticisms seem to be about "saving" this simulacrum of democracy. Which is kinda irrational. Your criticism, however, is perfectly valid. It's true - at no point did Ms Williamson offer a practical plan of concrete actions that could be realistically expected to result in any of her beautiful initiatives getting actually implemented or her getting elected in the first place. So, no matter how very progressive it might look on paper, her platform/campaign essentially boils down to giving a bunch of unsubstantiated promises...

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Marianne Williamson's platform is nothing new under the sun and in the civilized world. Do you know and probably not that in Europe, let's take a country, France, the guy who works at McDo has six weeks paid holliday every year. Most people have more. They are paid once a month plus one extra meaning 13 months paycheck.

Free College and University. Parental paid leave etc.

Marianne doesn't have to do what's she is doing. She just try to help.

American people are ignorant people and not only that, you want to remain slave.

It's not entirely your fault. You are brainwashed everyday by other american that exploited you and make you believe that you are free.

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"American people are ignorant people and not only that, you want to remain slave. It's not entirely your fault. You are brainwashed..."

I certainly was. But not anymore. You've opened my eyes, Mario. So allow me to return the favor through a piece of advice. Consider going for fish, greens, and blueberries...

On a serious note, it's indeed nothing new. But we ain't talking the Nordics or Canada, for that matter. We are trying to find ways to introduce those things in this country under the current circumstances...

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It’s not entirely your fault @Mario A Leblanc, when you generalize the way you are so comfortably doing in your post. You write "American people are ignorant people and not only that, you want to remain slave."

All American people are ignorant??? All American people want to remain a slave??

It’s not entirely your fault Mario. You are brainwashed everyday by people like you that make such ridiculously superficial statements.

It’s not entirely your fault Mario that you think they way you do and grossly generalize the way you do here. So many people, in your world, must be doing the same that, as smart as you think you are, you obviously think it’s okay to generalize and call people stupid.

It must be tough to always be the smartest in your own mind.

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MARIANNE WILLIAMSON 2024 http://marianne2024.com/issues/

The Issues

Animal Protection


Climate Action

Crime Prevention

Criminal Justice

Disability Justice

Drug Policy


Economic Bill of Rights


Food Safety

Government & Democracy

Gun Safety


Healing Root Causes


Immigration Justice



Mass Incarceration

Native American Justice

Pandemic & Long Covid Response




Reproductive Justice

Social Security

Student Plan

Universal Basic Income

Veteran's Rights

Women's Rights


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Anytime you put a qualifier on the word JUSTICE it’s no longer justice.

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Rights too. If everyone doesn’t have it it isn’t a right, it is a privilege.

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And Elizabeth Warren

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That looks like a panic reaction. Let's take the time to be mature and thoughtful about who we really want to lead our country. Marianne Williamson is fierce but she is fair. She is the one I want at the table when the war criminals come to visit.

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These are the early days. Why would you rush the process. Let's hear the candidates and then make a plan. I support Marianne Williamson for President.

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I sincerely hope MW is finally heard as she is the only person that can return the democrat party to some semblance of sanity.

As for Biden he is no hero. He has been lying to the public for years and stealing with both hands.

God can’t throw the repulsive democrat apparatus into the fire fast enough.

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I respect you Marianne, but it’s time to pull together to defeat Donald Trump. Millions already supported Kamala Harris in the primaries. There is a process to formalize this, but it should lead to Kamala and her VP.

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¨Kamala Harris in the primaries¨? When was that?

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Dear Marianne,

I deliberately paused this afternoon to reflect on today's announcement from President Biden, and how grateful I am for his dedication and service to the United States of America. Since being in the audience at the Chicago Historical Museum, first when you dropped the idea of running again for the presidency, and then a second visit confirming you would, my spouse and I voted for you in the primary, we've donated financially to both your campaign and phenomenal teachings, I volunteered for you twice in Chicago, and we have witnessed the amazing effort and steadfast progress you forged against a system that pushed you away. I knew I had to listen to my heart before sharing my two cents in the chance (and even hope) you might read this because I have total respect for you, and after the life lessons I got, those words don't just readily fall from my mouth.

Here goes: You saw how awful this rat race was and said so. I think of Hillary and the election stolen from her and us because she was a woman, and she was as qualified as anyone could be. When I last saw you at The Altar in Chicago before the primaries, I asked what could be done about the Supreme Court. And here we are. We cannot afford to pit ourselves against one another at this crucial juncture. Taking everything into account, I and my spouse have decided it is best to support Vice President Harris. I now do believe in miracles, thanks in great part to you, so I feel I must ask: Is there any chance that you would reconsider and seek the vice presidency instead? I would love to see you in the White House, though I honestly believe it is Kamala who can defeat Trump and moreso, Vance. There is no second chance here. Time doesn't give refunds and our Democracy is at stake, here and abroad. Love Is Now - Unite We Must! Peace is no illusion.

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The nomination of a new Democratic candidate must be opened to a genuinely democratic process at an open convention. No one should simply be anointed to the position of nominee; all candidates must be heard, and their agendas explored. Our party’s basic first principle is democracy. We cannot save our democracy without practicing it ourselves.

Thanks, Marianne, for stating what should be obvious in the USA, that the nomination of a new Democratic candidate must be opened to a genuinely democratic process at an open convention. No one should simply be anointed to the position of nominee; all candidates must be heard, and their agendas explored.

I pray that the candidate with the best chance of beating Trump is nominated.

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But Harris isn't just anointed. She is the VP. People voted for her when they voted the Biden Harris ticket. She was in for president all along (as she would have replaced Biden all along). Biden stepping back after people voted for him as nominee means he has the freedom to pledge his delegates to whom he thinks is the best choice. The people who nominated Biden actually empowered him to make such bold choices if need to be. To now start from zero would be self destruction and is no better democracy than to follow the democratic process set up for those special occasions.

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All those who are ok with circumventing the American democratic system, your position is unacceptable. Open this up give American voter their voice.

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That is not what respecting the vote looks like to me. People voted Biden Harris and nominated them again. Thus they trusted Biden with their vote to do the right decision if need to be. He did. Kamala is next in line. And has already secured much of the delegates. That is the democratic process.

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ok, today is my day to unsubscribe. And you do know why. This is not another chance for wanna be presidents. This is too serious. Kamala is at least a vetted VP, to ask for anything else at this point of the election cycle is selfish. Sorry.

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I'm almost at that point too to unsubscribe because MW is just not getting it. Enough already.

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She is apparently also not engaging in this discussion, which well would be part of the democratic process 😎

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You should tell that to Obama, Pelosi and Schumer who haven’t endorsed Kamala.

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Maybe they still hope for Michelle Obama to step up.

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Michelle Obama will be dragged through the mud enthusiastically. The right would love to dismantle the Obama myth.

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If you unsubscribe you may miss the final act. It's not selfish to follow the protocols the DNC has set forth. Kamala Harris has said she wants a chance to prove herself. Let's be brave.

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Yep, I am 100% behind Harris.

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Ok, it is said in ACIM, that there is no order inb difficulties for miracles to occur.

But even Eckhart Tolle says, that some manifestations are not possible at a certain point of time no matter of how good your manifestation practices are. And he brings the example of him becoming the worlds most famous ballet dancer. "No matter how deeply I pray and how good my manifestation practices are, this is not going to happen." he says.

And he also says, that the prerequisit for any real manifestation is to accept the present moment in it's totality.

And here we have a massive time factor. Elections seem to start already in September, and if the decision for a candidate happens in August, then there are 4 weeks for MW to push up from half a million voters to at least 140 millions.

I think, we all agree, that our main goal at this moment of time is to prevent Trump from becoming president. And maybe for MW to apply for becoming president is not the only way to reach that goal.

Maybe there is an alternative. P.e. to convince Michelle Obama to put her hat in the ring for the sake of the country and the world.

In NLP it is said, that in every situation one should have 3 alternative strategies to go abount for solving a problem, a plan A, B, and C.

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Sorry for the orthographic mistakes. I am from Germany, but we also are very much interested in D.T. not becoming the next president. That would be a catastrophy also for us.

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Michelle Obama is leading in the polls over Trump by double digits.

But it seems until now that she doesn't want to do the job.

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I'm reading various outlets' articles on who the Dems might pick to replace Biden. So called "mainstream" and "respectable" outlets. They mention everyone except Marianne. Literally. They mention Harris, all the governors (Newsom, Whitmer, etc), Dean Phillips, even 3rd party Kennedy and Cornell West. Etc etc. But they don't mention at all the only person still in the primary and who received over a half million votes from Dems voting in the primary. There is no standard, rule, or criterion which would include all of them yet exclude her. She is just being written out of media accounts as though she does not exist. It is totally bizarre. The most bizarre thing I have seen in my life. The most extreme example of censorship, propaganda, and erasure I have ever seen in my lifetime. Looks more like Stalin's Pravda than American Journalism. Putin's Media and Press treated Navalny more fairly and accurately. Those of you who keep saying she can't win because she couldn't get her message out, should INSTEAD be boiling angry that the only reason she can't get her message out is because the corporations are so scared to death of her that they are totally censoring and erasing her. . You should ask "why are they so scared?" You should ask"What kind of dystopian 1984 style country am I living in?" You should ask "Do I want to live in such a country?" You should ask "Do I have the courage to stand with Marianne against the unacceptable for the sake of my country?"

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That is so untrue. I grew up with Russian propaganda behind the Iron Curtain. Yes, American press is often bad, but they are not run by the government or one interest only. MW could have build a successful Substack to get her word out. Right here. Who is suppressing her being heard and seen here? May be she is not mentioned because she does not have a big enough following to be considered important? We need to take care to not end up in lala land ourselves when trying to explain things. And what would be the political experience MW would bring to compete with any of the other mentioned figures by the press? Could that be another factor? There are just worlds in-between. I respect MW as an author but I am bothered by this victim stance blaming one’s own lack of professionalism to the system.

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Apparently she does not exist in this discussion either 😎

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Perhaps she is choosing to be quiet in the midst of this onslaught.

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A further thought: imagine if the press and media coverage of the Presidential primaries in 1968 made no mention of Bobby Kennedy. They would never have gotten away with that. Why are you letting them get away with it now? Lastly, if it is significant that "uncommitted" received more than half a million votes, why is it not significant that MW received more than half a million votes? The media report the first as an important story, while not mentioning the second at all. How does that work?

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Please support Kamala. I respect you and your work. Yet this is the time to unite behind Kamala

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Thanks, Amlut, for liking my comment.

God bless you and all those you love now and forever.

I agree that Kamala is the best choice for a candidate that will beat Trump.

Be still and be you.

Be still and know.

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I am shocked and surprised at this column. It does not suggest that the good of the country is your highest priority. I am disappointed in you.

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You are totally delusional.

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Please get behind Kamala! Biden knew he had to and I hope you see the same way. Stopping Trump is the thing we all must get behind. Get out of the race! NOW!

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