OMG, Marianne, if anyone could say what needs to be said right now, you just did! Thank you for articulating the deeper “lesson” to be learned from this tragic situation and its aftermath. 💕

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The lesson taught by this is you can get away with anything if you have the right backing.

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Nov 22, 2021Liked by Marianne Williamson

This is a masterpiece.

Out of the dozens of articles I've read and the dozens of news shows and talk shows and podcasts I’ve listened to where this case has been discussed and dissected, this is the highest truth and most powerful and worthwhile insight I’ve heard.

You could write almost the same letter to the (painfully) biased judge who shares the responsibility for the two victims losing their lives "all over again."

Thanks for your unending brilliance and all you do for our country. You are such a pure channel for truth.

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Agree on all points, thanks.

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Oh Marianne-this gave me shivers!! because of the power of the Truth in it and you express it with so much clarity and wisdom. Let us hope this will be a springboard for transformation for him and the world. Your work and service are a complete inspiration.

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Nov 22, 2021Liked by Lauren Selsky

I don't know, I read some intensely negative comments here and I wondered if perhaps I had missed something, and so I re-read and no, it's a salient and compassionate perspective. If KR were to read this and take to heart it's actual meaning... it would begin to undo some of the social damage we've endured, and it is the only thing that can begin to atone for Anthony Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum being taken.

I think to absorb and spread a negative take on this letter kind of proves the need for it, in a larger sense.

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What compassion comes from spreading lies and hate fueled by lying media and politicians to divide us? You did miss something. Read the case facts and then wonder why Marianne felt the need to be so negative about a case she has no business making her once followers consume.

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Concerned human, I think Ms. Williamson wrote this letter to help people understand a wider truth: That street violence cannot be tolerated in a so-called civil society--we aren't in a declared military war-zone on the ground in the U.S.--at least not yet! I think, although I cannot write for her, Williamson wrote this because she's extremely concerned about the ramifications of guns on our streets and in our neighborhoods that could ultimately lead to our demise along with our climate emergency.

So, I think many individuals writing herein today may have misinterpreted her public letter--it's a justifiable scream for everyone to consider how our thoughts have profound impact on our actions, etc. Yet, we are still experiencing remanants of the Wild, Wild West--no longer appropriate in 21 century America nor anywhere else on Earth. So that's my take on the letter, and, perhaps, some herein need to also give the author some respect for her opinion too. Thanksgiving Day is just around the corner! Peace!

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Nice try to bail her out, but truth be told if she was doing what you speak of then violent criminal rioters should be on her hit list and not the kid who stood trial and judge and jury decided his fate. No violence is ok but begs the question why she takes the political side to divide us over a matter that shouldn’t concern those of us not involved. It’s a very poor and fowl response to an over politicized situation right and left is using for gain.

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As a k-12 educator, I say to you and the world, that Kyle should not have been driven to that protest with a gun by his mother, nor should he have had a gun with him at that protest. If he had not had that gun, no one would have attacked him. Cause and Effect. X and Y. Plain and Simple. This letter by Marianne is about his future trajectory. Where will his analysis of the events take him now? Where will his analysis of the events take others?

We must learn to de-escalate. We must Teach De-Escalation. By Everyone <3 Especially Educators. What we are teaching now is War.

What can we do with a person with a car as a weapon, who maybe even says what they plan to do? Take out the battery in the car. Take the keys. Flatten the tires by letting the air out. Call them on the hatred and vengeance flowing through their blood. Find a way to de-escalate the situation before it is too late to do so.

What can we do with a person with a gun? I think that crowd was afraid of his gun and reacted to his gun. I am not at all sure I would call the crowd and those murdered rioters. Nope. Let's look at the video.

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Carol, I agree with your view but it's my understanding that Kyle was not driven to the event by his mom. Regardless, he wasn't old enough to have a destructive weapon so his actions only brought about destruction for him and death for others--it's heartbreaking.

None of this will end, however, until our country, like New Zealand, decides we cannnot have guns in our every day lives! But apparently our Congress lawmakers are still bowing to those who produce these weapons so we must vote them out of office. And try, try again!


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I assume "violent criminal rioters" are "on her hit list" but I wouldn't use those violent words. And you write this is "a matter that shouldn't concern those of us not involved" but you are! You responded on this website! Peace be with us all at this juncture!

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I respond in love to end the hatred and division our politicians and leaders are sowing on us Americans. Simply stated this letter was nothing but fodder for Democrats so she can buy clout in the next race. It’s sad

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As to political aspirations, if you are a minister and spiritual leader well versed in government activities who has written books on these topics decades previously, and who wishes to change the trajectory of planet earth, leading at the highest levels is the most logical path? As an educator and author, publishing this letter publicly reaches other youth or their parents.

Her leadership steps on the toes of money and resource hoarding, war, and the egos of those who wish to maintain the system as it is, which is highly unequal in its outcomes.

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If you would re-read the letter, and it were addressed to the driver of the car this past weekend that drove into a parade on purpose? If it came from a pastor at a pulpit? If you didn't believe you have a right to kill?

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That's a confusing question to me. As I'm sure you understand, compassion is not just when you empathize with another's struggle but when you do something about that feeling. Marianne has a well known history of compassion, so much that it's made her famous, and now her fame itself is a source of compassion as we publicly discuss yet another exposure to the roots of our turmoil. Thank you Marianne. And thank you Cornered Human for being here too.

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Aww dangit- Concerned- sorry! No disrespect to the family name ❤️

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No worries Dillon, no disrespect was taken :). I guess I’m just disappointed to see Marianne fall to political fodder over what she used to be. Sad day for us that used to be fans of hers

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I saw,

That as a spiritual leader, she was addressing the letter to KR and how he can make amends for his deeds. I felt it could have been a one on one counseling session, not one directed at the world. Just my take.

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I agree

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Dear Marianne,

You wrote a powerful letter on the same day former U.S. President John F. Kennedy was shot dead. And your encouragement of Rittenhouse needing to understand love and an abiding God is well taken. Yet, destructive-style behaviors are escalating throughout society--compounded recently when Darrell E. Brooks, age 39, of Milwaukee, WI drove his SUV through a Christmas parade killing five innocents and injuring numerous others with kids now in ICUs! Brooks did this, apparently, following a domestic disturbance. So, indeed, these are moments when all Americans really need to start looking deeply within themselves for answers to heal our world.

As you always emphasize, Marianne, there's is the deep connection between the mind and the heart. But apparently there's been a huge disconnect over the past few decades, whereby people are having knee-jerk responses during activities of daily living with deadly consequences!

I praise your leadership Marianne during these troubling years! I only hope our country and others as well realize we cannot continue living with these behaviors and still remain whole or sane--this extends to Mother Earth too. Our treatment of her is similar! You outlined the only way: love and atonement with the guiding forgiveness of a loving God who still reigns.

Thank you Marianne for an exruciating yet heartfelt letter.

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Yes! I hope he hears the truth you are sharing.

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Thank you for finding the words, I could not. You are the best MW. xo

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Thank you for these words! We will see what he chooses and I hope he has an opportunity to read your letter.

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Thanks for sharing Marianne. Some will disagree but that’s ok because at least you shared this letter publicly which means you came from a place of love and not fear. We are so quick to judge because TRUTH is so uncomfortable. I admire all that you do. Keep going.

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Good comment, thanks for this.

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This is true compassion

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I choose no sides on this topic as I know that this is between Kyle and God. However, I want you to be really honest with yourself Marianne. Is he your child? You wrote if he profits from any of this he would have that on his hands. So I ask you, what are you profiting from? More likes? More shares? More email signups? More people to buy your books because you wrote an article around all this pain? Pay very close attention to how you are compromising yourself as well. I agree LOVE is what will set us free and sooner you figure out what the truly means the better we all will be. Look in your house, what is still sticking to you? We cannot have external peace if we cannot find it internally. We are carrying lifetimes of pain because a majority of humanity has still not figured it out. Love says how can we heal together. What is it that I need to forgive. Forgive... for giving back to God to work out for the highest good of all because I know longer wish to carry it. I was asked to forgive everyone regardless of what they did and that is exactly what I have been working on for years. It has definitely not been easy however it is worth it.

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Even if the points you're making are 100% true, and I'm not saying one way or another- what I am saying is you are equating profiting from likes, shares, email sign-ups, and book sales with profiting from killing people and I don't know if you meant to do that

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Potentially profiting from killing... sorry.

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Prayers for heAling on all sides. This is true of every young man/ person with a gun. have you seen the trial footage of what happened that night? And all the details involved. It is not as simple as the media portrays. I pray that everyone takes some time to see how they are part of this creation. I do know he will carry this on his path, and I do not support young ones with guns and this is more complex.

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Ty Marianne, May this letter find it's way to Kyle's heart.

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I thank God for the way he speaks through you, for your willingness to be the vessel for his word. This was truly inspired. Truth with a capital T.

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Also, wherever you wear the gold stilettos in your Instastory, work them, Queen!

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Huh? Mark, your message is a bit over-the-top!

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Dearest Marianne,

I think I understand the gravity and broader ramifications of

this case, given Americ's ongoing problems with gun violence, and I see how that cultural trauma might have precipitated this letter. I'm sorry America is suffering with this issue yet again.

But however well meaning, I found your letter startlingly accusatory. Worse, I found it disingenuous.

Was the point sincerely to publicly help a 17 yr old boy find his way to redemption and peace after the lifetime of pain he has brought on himself with one impulsive decision? Is this the way ACIM teaches us to bring peace?

"You can have redemption, insert name, if you truly understand how guilty you are, how bloody your hands are, how stained your soul - and you spend every day trying to make up for that wretched guilt. I tell you this for your own good. You may have escaped (insert punishment) but you have not escaped guilt and it will follow you for life. I see it. I call you on it. Be careful not to forget it for a single moment. In no way prosper. If you do, all is lost for your soul."

Is this what ACIM teaches? Because I think not. Not because Kyle isn't guilty. Really, that is not for any one of us to say. But because we're all equally guilty. We are one. And we all make horrible mistakes that cause wretched suffering for ourselves and others. A hundred thousand ways we do this every day, all around the world.

Which is worse? To shoot down a stranger with a gun or shoot down a lover or family member with words? In both cases we do it because we perceive danger. Both victims are left bleeding. We know death is only an illusion.

ACIM teaches that we are ALL INNOCENT. Forever. We must see the innocence in each other. We are the innocent son of God who has fallen asleep and forgotten his innocence, his true identity. We must help each other awaken to it.

I think if we were to remember that our words to Kyle might be more like this:


You may feel in your heart in secret where nobody knows or will ever see that you are tainted by the blood you have spilled. I can't even imagine what that must be like. I know it will likely haunt you for life. And you are yet so young. I'm very sad to think of it and all the pain that came out of that night - for so many.

You may even punish yourself more because you escaped punishment.

But please remember no matter how horrible the guilt you feel at times, God loves you and sees your innocence. He forgives you for all the mistakes you have made or will ever make. You are clean and holy in God's eyes. And you are free! You now have a second chance at life. I hope and pray that it will be a blessed, happy, spirit filled life. I pray your pain will becone your passion and you will find a way to make sense of all this suffering and be your best self in spite of it; to bring the gifts inside of you yet to share with the world.


Your sister in Christ.

I think this letter has far more power to inspire wholeness and love - which is where the miracles happen.


Nonie De Long

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Thank you for your response Nonie. I had the same reaction to Marianne's letter. We're all still learning... even the teacher that has written many inspirational books and MORE. I would love to hear Marianne's response to your letter. Me... I'm working on seeing myself and all my brothers and sisters as sinless. I've come a long ways, AND I have a LONG ways to go : ) In Love, Shelley Standing

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I have to disagree with your thoughts Marianne...and am a little disappointed. Considering what is going on in our country right now, and more so in August 2020, i can understand how a 17 year old would want to help people in the city where his Mother lives, where he worked, and the burning of kenosha without police protection. I am not calling him a hero, but what happened to him has caused an awakening that law enforcement is not a bad thing, and that in this country, you have the right to defend yourself when attacked. He has nothing to repent for.....even ACIM would say that. You may not know about the state of Wisconsin and the law, but take a look at the Steven Avery Case, and Netflix Documentary "Making a Murderer"........you want to talk about corruption! Steven Avery was framed from start to finish, and should be a free man.

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two men are dead because of Kyle and only because of Kyle. he should not have been there period. he should not have been brandishing a weapon underage even if the judge gave him a pass on a technicality that the judge himself search to find, period. kyle is a murderer blood is on his hands. I agree that one would hope he does not gain from the killing he did.

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"he should not have been there" re self-defense is the legal analogue of "she shouldn't have been wearing that" re sexual assault

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Ah, but life is so much more complex than the metaphors you describe...

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