Sep 4, 2022Liked by Marianne Williamson

This is a remarkable piece! Americans were blessed to have had some light light shed on your message during the presidential debates. It would be cliched to say that you are ahead of your time, for you are not. Your voice echoes many over the centuries. The problem is that these voices, your voice, seem lost in the cacophony of cluttered nonsense. Namaste πŸ™

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Thank you Marianne. Your profoundly eloquent as always. I appreciate you and your unending contributions to humanity.

I love you!

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it’s time to elect FDR (in spirit) for a fifth term in 2024! #marianne2024

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Sep 6, 2022Liked by Marianne Williamson

I agree with much of what you’ve said here, but you fail to mention the greed of power and money that has a tight grip on too many of our elected officials, their buddies, their donors and their families. I have no faith that a wealth tax will do anything meaningful to lift those who struggle. The money will get washed and laundered with a few crumbs landing here and there amongst those that could use some help. The culture of greed has enveloped those that govern. There is no accountability anymore and often the β€œfixes” government imposes fail to consider unintended consequences and end up making the situation worse. Government grows and grows and things do not get better. I don’t know the answer. But I’m pretty sure a wealth tax isn’t going to cut it. Not without a sea change that moves our leaders away from power retention at all costs and towards honesty, a true attitude of unity, and - most important, wisdom - which seems to be in very short supply these days.

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Powerfully put as always, thank you, Marianne for trying to wake us up in order that we save ourselves and our beautiful world.

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Sep 4, 2022Β·edited Sep 4, 2022

Do you really think Oprah has made the world better with her wealth?

I think those who would be in charge of the type of policies you suggest currently have no idea on how to implement them without making the situation much worse. Governments hire bureaucrats who believe in centralisation of power. Not practical people who understand the on the ground mechanisms of how things truly work. Moreover they lack accountability and the ability to reverse course when an intervention makes things worse.

The state in concert with business has conspired to create regulations that support big business and keep small, local and sustainable so overwhelmed with compliance they cannot survive, even when they are better than global corporate. Stopping mergers, stopping investors and unwinding many oppressive regulations, that sound nice but actually crush local + small would allow those who can, to pull themselves up, then their communities will follow. Many others will need support having been broken by the system for decades. See 'small is beautiful, economics as if people mattered' - the direction the world should have gone in the crisis of the 1970's.

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A beautiful piece!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ We need health care for all, higher education we can pay for, minimum wages that allow us to pay for rent/food/transportation, effective programs to house/support the homeless… We need government with heart and political courage to break the system.

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You keep going Woman!! Thank Goodness you are...You are the only voice for what is both real, and holds the VISION of what can truly BE in the REAL world now, and going forward. I am so hearted by your holding to the words and Spirit of what this country was meant and can/should be. You give me Hope. I am forever grateful. Thank you


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"The only purpose of money is to increase one’s opportunity to express oneself, to create without limits, and make the world a better place." A succinct, accurate, and wise statement if ever there was one.

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"The 'working poor,' as they are approvingly termed, are in fact the major philanthropists of our society." Powerful, powerful statement! I run a nonprofift in SoCal and my hope was that the pandemic would help the "newly vulnerable" become more compassionate towards those in need. While I have been dismayed by the economics embraced over the past 40 years by the Republican party, I also lay blame with the advertising and entertainment industries who misrepresent what real life is like. And Murdoch is controlling all sides of media; the National Inquirer/Fox viewer, and the Wall Street Journal crowd. Thank you for writing such a powerful piece, Marianne.

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it’s time to elect FDR (in spirit) for a fifth term in 2024! #marianne2024

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good essay

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Thank you, Marianne.

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Yes. I absolutely agree and there is a reason for this. Many of the most greedy want an uneducated, truly ignorant electorate because it is easier to manipulate people who are uninformed. Look at pre-Hitler Germany and you can see the parallels. I hope God has a different plan for us because where we are now is heading into that disaster.

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Yes. At what point do we just say NO.

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First rate. Time for an economic bill of rights.

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