We must absolutely end the corporate control of the government, yet it is difficult to imagine that this would be possible within the current system. Our government is owned and held hostage by corporations, and technology companies that spy on our citizens on behalf of the government; and a judicial system that allows the punishment of whistleblowers. No one from inside this system is likely to disrupt it. We witnessed the democratic party destroying both of Bernie Sander's attempts to run for president, even though he was ahead in the polls. Everyone with eyes to see and ears to hear understands the problem, the real challenge is how to fix it. The system is rigged against the good guys.

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Thankyou Marianne. As an Englishman I am not too qualified to add much to what you say about the USA. But your readers might be aware that in the UK the Tory party is in the process of throttling itself by electing (strictly from its membership, not the general electorate) an ever more absurdly unqualified Prime Minister and in the process increasingly abandoning even the most cursory commitment to providing the country with a health service, with clean water etc etc.

The legacy of Covid and the War in Ukraine of course make it worse but as you say Marianne the unregulated influence of Capital is the root of the problem. Our governments need to grow some courage and some insight.

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So what do we DO? What do *I* do??

Every word of this resonates with me. But voting has become the opium of the masses. Eventually, elected officials become behold to their benefactors.

Our true power is in the invisible. All I know to *do* is hold a vision of a world that works for everyone. In doing so, I have received marching orders from the universe and gotten involved in a congressional race in my district.

But what more can we do to evoke this great transformation our country needs?

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Amazing piece of writing! You get to the very core of what’s happening in this country corporate greed and income disparity. Thank you for your words and leadership during these very troubling times. (And also for your daily meditations in which every day I find comfort and guidance).

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Amazing article! Thank you Marianne!!

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This applies equally to the UK and I have posted it since I want to see people wake up to what is happening. I don't think they realise. Thank you for an excellent and important article.

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Truer words can’t be spoken. I’m almost fearful that we as a culture and country will sadly fall into the abyss of authoritarianism. I say this because our young people are becoming less interested in education, more intoxicated by mindless social media, angrier and more hostile in their sense of entitlement ( but entitlement to what?), they feel every feeling has to be bowed down to at the expense of reason, yet there is no interest in anything outside themselves - not a sustainable model for a country teetering on the brink. Our story may have sadly come to an end, the arrogance of those who let the American Dream wither because they believed it infallible now watch it die at the hands of a party who has morphed into a tyrannical group of white people ( men mostly and women who should be ashamed of themselves) who look at everyone else as the other to be snuffed out and they do it in the name of the Christian god. How vile and oppressive. We are already in the elevator going down - it will take a miracle before this country burns in hell. And the good people are the victims of the abuse.

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I agree with everything here. My question is what is the path forward? We need leaders like you, Robert Reich, Bernie Sanders and others to guide us. The path forward isn't voting simply for the democrats. They have done very little to help change anything. I was so disappointed when I saw that Biden and the Democrats sided with the pork industry in the Supreme Court case that's pending around gestation crates (pork industry refuses to give them enough room to turn around). So, I don't think the Democrats are the solution. If we vote Green then it puts the Republicans in power and same problem. So, what is the path forward? What do we actually do to transform our country in the right direction so that morals and doing the right thing matter again?

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Thanks Marianne, for the riveting piece. I agree with what you say, but I am unclear as to how we are to get out of this mess as both parties seemed entrenched and part of the problem. I was wholeheartedly behind Bernie when he ran, but have been reticent to vote ever since and recently, do not feel aligned to any party. You laid out the problem well here, but I'd love to hear your concrete solutions.

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thank YOU Marianne

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Go hard Marianne as we say in New Zealand. This sounds like a presidential campaign speech. The message needs to reach the masses.

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Marianne you are simply the best. Timing is everything, I wish you could be in a movie like the matrix as a boss or leader of some kind, that voters could see you as what you really are; a hope for the future.

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A day at a time, is how we change the writing on the wall! PEACE

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Thank you for your thought leadership!

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Characteristics of true Fascism:

*putting the State before the individual

*Government and private business partnerships (Google, FB, Amazon, Pfizer etc) to control and squash dissention

Which political group does this describe?

Stop using one narcissistic moron as a scapegoat. This is what woke, liberal America has sown.

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It continues to astonish me how corporate America, and the politicians they prop up, so readily forget that their wealth and power was built upon the backs of their workers, and that by diminishing their value, they diminish their own prosperity. They pursue their greed and lust for power at their own - and everyone and the planet’s - peril.

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