Day 2, praying for you for a full 80 days and matching each day of prayer with one of the Lessons from A Course in Miracles.

That is your purpose in my life. Showing me the value of the Course, and how to live it.

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I was/am the California volunteer lead. How can I help!? ❤️

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Thank you so much, Melissa.

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I'm voting for you, that we have come to this point in our quest for a moral country and that one of the choices is a felon is very challenging. "We Were Made for These Times". We are filled with hope and determination and courage even when we appear to falter. Thank you Marianne.

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With my candidacy, I submit to the people of the United States that a better way forward is both possible and necessary.

Thanks, Marianne, for resuming your candidacy for President. I and millions of others are so ready to vote for you.

God bless you now and forever. God bless the USA with you as it's President.

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Happy to hear this, you’ve got my vote. (If whoever is really running our country allows you to be on the ballot)

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But this is a very big "if", isn't it? As far as the primary goes, there is no doubt that the nominee - whether Biden or someone else - will be hand-picked by the DNC's officials. Is there a single chance that they will opt for Ms Williamson? As for the general, I appreciate those who are prepared to go beyond the Duopoly and vote for an "outsider". But this outsider should at least be on the ballot...

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Zoe - I should tell you, I recently saw a film with this name as the primary producer.

It may be a name in more common use than I thought. :)

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You're probably talking about American Zoetrope. It's a *major independent* studio...my apologies for this somewhat oxymoronic description :) And that's exactly the place this moniker comes from...

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Thank you for jumping back in!! Love you..

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I will do all I can to promote you.

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Me, too!!

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Marianne, please look at the facts: Your campaign never really took off. Do you really think you can launch a viable campaign in less than 130 days? Where are you going to get the millions of dollars you'll need to beat the fundraising power of the Republican Party? All you can be at this point is a spoiler who will take votes away from Biden and help Trump to win. I pray you will re-think this decision and in stead please your support to Joe Biden and ask your followers to do the same.

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My campaign "never took off" because it was invisibilized by the media and suppressed by the DNC. That's not victim talk; it's simply a description of what happened. The fact that we got half a million votes despite all that says to me that if I had been treated fairely - a CNN Town Hall, appearances on mainstream media, no smearing or character assassination, etc. - then we absolutely would have been a contender. I saw the standing ovations all over the country; I assume you did not. In terms of being realistic, I would ask YOU to be realistic. President Biden is sinking in the polls and he will continue to do so. The only hope for Democrats is if we present something truly different to people. I don't know if you saw my video above, but that would be me.

The status quo will not win. As a friend of mine said in explaining Trump's appeal, "For many people, false hope is better than no hope." Yes, Trump offers false hope. But what hope are the Democrats offering? Truly, name one thing other than codifying Roe - which should have been done by the Democrats years ago. I stand by my decision. And believe me being mocked and smeared on a daily basis is NOT fun. But if someone doesn't say the things I have said and am saying in my campaign, then Trump will win. We need to counter the weight of his

lies with the weight of a higher truth. And Biden will not win.

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I actually find many of your ideas inspiring but I do not personally see you as a viable replacement for Joe Biden. Your vote totals were consistently in the 5-9% margin and never broke 10% - VOTES, not polls. That suggests to me that there is a ceiling of interest in the general public for you. Even in New Hampshire, where I saw you work your heart out, you couldn't get traction outside of single digits.

This is not because you lacked TV exposure or "support" from the DNC in a "robust" primary. You had one of the best campaign managers in NH. Still... your numbers stayed within a margin that tells me you have a following, but only a small one.

Standing ovations at campaign events are not votes. Votes speak for themselves. And yours are simply not enough to win the nomination, let alone a general election.

I say this with real tenderness and appreciation for you and your lovely books and essays.

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A half a million votes? In 2020 Joe Biden beat Trump by 7 million votes. A half a million votes out of about 150 million voters. You didn't answer my question about where you're going to get the hundreds of million dollars you'll need to run your campaign. Please take a step back, Marianne and try to see this clearly. I have followed you for years and have always admired your ability to be optimistic, yet realistic as well. Please let us all know what experience you have in foreign relations, negotiating with Congress and foreign nations, leading a huge government. Why don't you seem to think that it's important for one who aspires to be the POTUS and the leader of the free world?

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PS - for the sake of all your hard work and the many people who believe you are the ONLY salvation for the Democratic Party let alone the nation, I would very much have liked to see you break 15%, at least in NH and/or possibly in NV.

Those are the only places where I surmised you had the potential to break into the Democratic Party and get a seat at the Convention. It didn't happen.

Because - now this may sound presumptuous but I believe it to be true - that seems to not be God's will for you. Maybe there is some other outcome for your future. But if it was meant to be, I believe it would have happened.

I need to see the disappointments in my life this way. It's my only way forward.

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"The system doesn't know exactly who they want, because they want Big Mike, and Big Mike legitimately doesn't want it, but they're going to try to draft Big Mike, and that's now officially in the news." https://rumble.com/v55e2bc-breaking-joe-biden-will-drop-out-of-race-in-two-weeks-predicts-alex-jones.html

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If Marianne believes she is the best person for the Job ( as I do) And if Joe is too old to serve, Marianne has a responsibility to stand if front of Uncle Sam at attention and say, 'Sir I am fit and ready to serve.' All other concerns must be placed as secondary.

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So, the real concern about her inexperience in running a government, dealing with foreign countries and negotiating with Congress and others should just be ignored? Trump had none of the experience listed above and we have seen how his 4 years of being POTUS almost destroyed our Country. Please wake up.

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Bobby Kennedy is the best man for the job and he's the only one anyone who cares about saving our country should be voting for.

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I am sad to agree.....we cannot risk splitting the NEVER-TRUMP votes. I love you, I admire you, but this will not work.

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But you're thinking Biden can beat him...?

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No, Biden can't beat him. And even if this "miracle" happens, it'd mean a massive loss for the country and its people. Can you beat the DNC's rigged game, however? Would it even be theoretically possible to offer a meaningful performance in the present circumstances? Since the controversial debate, Biden managed to raise about $30M additionally. How much did you raise throughout your entire campaign? Sure, money in politics is wrong. But that's the reality of the moment. You are going to have to either match them on that front or totally disrupt the game. But you are still unable to come up with a viable plan of practical actions that would make whichever scenario look remotely realistic...

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100% in agreement. We are seeing the disastrous situation of so many ignoring the corruption of our political system - 2 parties - the DNC's "rigged game" and the Dems having gone to sleep at the switch and not prepared the younger elected officials for this moment. It is tragic - but I think we still have a chance to avoid a 2nd DJT presidency....which is all I care about at this point.

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I see it a bit differently. I do not think that avoiding Trump Reloaded should be the main objective. I'm pretty sure that Clinton's presidency would've been even more disastrous than Trump's if she had won in 2016 - in terms of death toll in other countries, at any rate. And, although it's definitely very much open to discussion, if it's between Trump and Biden, the former would still be marginally less unacceptable. But, in my view, comparing them is irrelevant, because choosing the lesser of two evils is a dead-end strategy to begin with. So the main goal would be to break the Duopoly's grip on power through making either a third party or an independent candidate more viable. And it should be inextricably coupled with building rank-and-file unionism and a new nationwide militant labor movement. Any other approach is extremely unlikely to produce tangible positive long-term results... should we put it nicely, that is. So all my criticisms towards Ms Williamson are offered from this perspective and have little to do with defending Biden or fearmongering about Trump...

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I for sure do not want to even visualize the political success of DT. He will change our national trajectory in and for my lifetime. So, as close as Maryanne is in being the most clear & ideal person for POTUS it is not for her or us right now. The existing political system will continue for this cycle.

Maryanne please help our country by putting your light and energy in encouraging the best person to hold off the MAGA agenda. You will do a heap of good speaking up for the person whom Biden and the NDC stands behind. You will get a seat at the official table, then your time will come to turn the country around in the right direction.

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I pray you, Genie, will feel inspired by optimism for a fairer brighter future. Biden and Trump have each very publicly demonstrated their total inadequacy as true leaders. It’s time for a change of heart and a change of mind. Change is one step at a time. 💯

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We don't have time to indulge in fantasy, Jane. The election is in less than 130 days. Plus, I have grown increasingly concerned about Marianne's decision making and her refusal to answer questions about how she would raise hundreds of million dollars, get the delegates already pledged to Biden and acquire the support of tens of millions of voters in 4 months, many of whom have no idea who she is.

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Thank you Genie. You are right! It is a pipe dream and Marianna needs to wake up, "Her track record of helping to inspire the lives of millions of people is exactly the track record most needed now." Really??? And that will turn into enough votes to get her into the White House. No, this plan is guaranteeing four more years of Trump

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I need to wake up? Respectfully, I think anyone thinking Biden can win now needs to wake up.

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It's early, and I see you jumping on to take advantage of Joe's bad Thursday PM. There is an entire Democratic Party discussing these things and most agree, supporting the incumbent is the best shot at victory.

If not Joe, then Kamala Harris. That's the likely path forward.

Not having a messy, public event featuring multiple people angling to get TV time and making Twitter and Instagram worthy sound bites.

That would be CHAOS, and the GOP would relish every moment of it.

There is also the problem of ballot access which is already settled for Biden and Harris. There is no path for anyone else here. None.

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According to a recent article published on Reuters News, there are many practical reasons that Kamala Harris would be the presumptive nominee if Joe Biden steps aside.

People need to learn how elections work.

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I am very troubled by the people who are urging Marianne to move forward with her plan. We all need to be steadfast in our desire to save our Country, however, to continue to act as if Marianne has even a slight chance of winning the Presidency is folly.

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You know where I stand Marianne. I think the most important thing I can say in this moment is:

I just donated.

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Means so much to me, Joe. Much gratitude..

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Jul 2Liked by Marianne Williamson

I just donated, too - and I am a monthly donor as well. Putting my money where my mouth is1 :) And my heart and soul!

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Thank you so much, Judi.xo

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Thank you, Marianne! Yours is the first voice of hope and reason that I've heard since Thursday night's debate. I'm with you for the next four months AND for the next four years as POTUS! God bless you. 🇺🇸

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Dear party bosses

Are you looking for a replacement for Joe, your pal.. I know the perfect Gal, You say joe looked old and dull. I know a girl that got looks from above, and a mind, that gets more miraculous with time. I can prove it, dozens of New York time best sellers, thousands of videos filled with fulfilled prophecies. A thought leader-I know a Gal, that on occasion you can hear a Texas twang, she will put a horn on the donkey, that all of you can ride back to the white house in glory I know a gal that if you nominate, is alike, to reaching for the light, and o yea, she knows how to fight.

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I can’t wait to address you as “Ms. President” ❤️🇺🇸🙏

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Thanks, Mellisa, for liking my comment.

God bless you and all those you love now and forever.

Let's vote and encourage others to vote for Marianne so she will be our next President for the next eight years.

Be still and be you.

Be still and know.

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Biden actually won the debate if you look at the content of his words against the content of Trump's. Trump is the candidate who should step down and be replaced, not Biden who has been doing a good job. He had a cold. So what if he's old and had a cold? He has integrity. He knows the job, he gets up every day and does it whether he has a cold or not. This was one debate, a tiny bump in the road being magnified which helps Trump. We need to unite behind Biden and stop listening to the pundits' irresponsible, unfair "opinions." Anybody could die any second, no matter how young and fit. Biden has experience, a proven track record, and he has something Trump does not, integrity.

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I always thought of myself as progressive, leaning pretty far left, but after this performance by left wingers in the media, together with right wingers, to undermine Biden, I'm feeling a retreat back towards the moderate now. I think Joe has earned our loyalty, and the way people have been backbiting him is just nuts. I didn't see this type of outcry when McConnell froze, twice. Biden had a cold, probably was on meds, plus he was in the presence of an extremely toxic person. I know what that does to my energy. It takes a lot of strength just to be in a room with them for five minutes, let alone 90. CNN normalizing Trump is treasonous.

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Agree on all points.

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I'm in Canada but I am so excited for this news. I wish you all the best truly! 🙏💜

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