Apr 24Liked by Marianne Williamson

Again, and again, you speak out when so many remain silent. That the DNC was so diligent in suppressing your candidacy to ensure that the majority of Americans not hear your vision for a better America has been a tragic loss for this country. There are many of us who heard you, Marianne, and pray that you continue to speak out. God bless you.

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Apr 24Liked by Lauren Selsky

I hear you and stand with you in prayer for peace, love and honoring of all people, of all races, and of the intrinsic holiness of each life and every person. ♥️♥️♥️🙏♥️

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24

Jewish + Palestinian Lives Matter.

Netanyahu needs to stop the genocide. NOW. Two wrongs never made a right. Very sorry for the anti-semiticism you are experiencing and witnessing. ☮️💜

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Apr 24Liked by Marianne Williamson

Although for each of us, our identity and individuality serve us, we may so easily forget that a higher identity exists. When identity divides us, we are wise to seek that higher common identity that calls us out, and lays bare our own fear based perspective. Only then do we have an opportunity to see our own need for inner work, before we judge others. It is in that moment of awareness that we must decide, to perpetuate the idea of separation and fear or seek love and higher guidance.

Do the labels we place upon ourselves and others, Arab, Jew, democrat, republican, Christian, atheist limit our thinking? Labels can create polarity, and polarization is self perpetuating. Can we find higher ground for civic discourse? Can we begin and stand for reestablishing human dignity and sanctity before politics?

We need not look far for our role models and examples, Martin Luther King Jr., Mandela, Gandhi… resistance without fighting. They did not live a peaceful technique, rather, they mastered their own inner warring. They embraced inner peace before they sought outer change.

As we are tempted to rail and rant against the other, are we equally tempted to trade inner peace for self righteousness? As we see injustice are we tempted to meet it on equal terms?

Today I seek inner peace so that I may be an instrument of peace and healing in my thoughts, emotions, and deeds. Help me, oh God, to see others as you do, eschewing all labels, except one, “my beloved.”

And so it is…

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Apr 24Liked by Marianne Williamson

I am so sorry Marianne to you and the Jewish people. I naively thought my generation was being taught inclusivity and that we in turn were passing that open heartedness to our children ( I'm 68).

Then came Donald Trump who opened Pandora’s box.

I pray, that we as Earth citizens, come to our God given senses- to do no harm to anyone- mineral, plant, animal, human. And I pray for courage to stand up and speak against injustice when I encounter it. May God bless you, illuminate you, protect you and make your life flourish in the Divine service.

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Thank you. Many saw this starting on October 8 before the IDF had shot one retaliatory shot. The rape and violence denial. The blame Israel for bringing this on themselves.

Then once retaliation began the exaggeration ( it’s brutal and tragic but it’s not genocide). The acceptance of Hamas propaganda including the Hamas ministry of health BS numbers of dead especially women and children.

The calls for Israel (Jewish) surrender, using the words “ceasefire now” but no mention of returning hostages or forcing Hamas to stop rocket fire or acknowledging that Hamas broke the ceasefire on October 7.

Blaming Israel solely for Gaza being an open air prison and the plight of Gaza’s residents while Hamas turned well meaning given aid into weapons, terror tunnels and billionaire lifestyles in Qatar.

This has all been Jew hate masquerading as anti Zionism.

I too am a left leaning Jew and I have felt like we are alone. I too am not a Bibi fan.

I know fans you have already lost because you didn’t say this sooner before you pivoted to talking of ceasefire.

Thank you for finally addressing the blatant antisemitism going on since October 8. Thank you for nuance about the war.

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There is no daylight, in my view, between standing for the rights of Arabs and for the rights of Jews. Anti-Semitism, coming from Arabs is a curious thing, as Arabs themselves are Semites. My late wife and her father were Jewish. Our son is thus 1/4 Jewish, as is our family, on his mother's side. There is not an ounce of rationality, as you say, in animus towards Jews. Nor is there any, in animus towards Arabs.

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Apr 24Liked by Marianne Williamson

I am a Jew myself . . and have been and now more intensely than ever, engaged in some deep introspection around all of this. Some thoughts . . contrary to current hysteria-narratives . . . the Jews stand out as having never really been colonial or empire-aspiring people . . the Christians, Muslims, Arabs, Chinese, Mongols, British, French, Americans, Belgians, Spanish, Portuguese, Aztecs and so so many more have all been, in their time, severely imperialistic, conquesting peoples . . . the consequence of that being that amongst almost all peoples in the world, there lies layers and layers of deeply unrectified collective material around all of this . . . as we now, what do we typically do with this shadow material??? (if we don't rectify and reconcile it) . . . we project it out, onto and into others. That has been, is seems to me, the collective 'physiological' role played by Jews for millenia . . if you watch the virulent rage, its forest-fire like spreadability, whether in the United Nations, among human rights organisations, Universities, the press . . . its a rage and there is no rationality to it . . it bears all the hallmarks of shadow projection . . and for Jews, the experience is one of gaslighting-on-steroids from a relationship with a psychopath. What is being called for, whether Christian or American or British or Muslim or Arab or Spanish or French . . is to turn away from this hysterical hyper focus on Israel and the Jews . . to turn in . . into the shadow and rectify and reconcile centuries of internalised guilt, shame, pain and trauma around colonisation, imperialism, conquest and domination of the other.

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Apr 24Liked by Marianne Williamson

Dear Marianne; Thank you for being such a powerful voice in these turbulent times. It’s so hard to understand what is presently going on. Young Jewish being told to stay home from university for their own safety??? I, too, thought that we had moved past this terrible insanity. I wish I had some answers, but all I know how to do is pray. As a 71 year old woman, it seems that we have truly failed the younger generations. Pete Seeger had it right in 1955 with “Where have all the flowers gone?” Yet, we must not give up hope. I love you!

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Standing just as the tree of life stands.

Rooted, vertically aligned, home to all.

Thank you, Marianne. Your light, our light.

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Apr 24Liked by Marianne Williamson

I stand with Marianne and all Jewish people and all people.

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Apr 24Liked by Marianne Williamson

I believe if you don’t love everyone, you don’t love anyone. Am I there? No, but that doesn’t change the truth of it. I can’t hate the Jew or the haters, but I’m rooting for Jews. Their plight is everyone’s plight. Their pain is everyone’s pain and their release is everyone’s release.

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Apr 24Liked by Marianne Williamson

I am a Jew. I am a proud Jew. We are no better but no worse than anyone else. We know the ancient curse of antisemitism, and we know the historical horrors with which it has erupted repeatedly for millennia. It is a mysterious, irrational animus. I pray with all my heart that Jews and non-Jews alike will awaken to its dangers, not only in the past but right here right now and will take a stand.

In whatever way you can, for the sake of all that is good and true, please stand.

Marianne, I will stand with you to fight antisemitism in all of its forms. God bless you and God bless all Jews.

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Apr 24Liked by Marianne Williamson

I have so much love, respect and honor for you Marianne. We go way back...to the 80's when I found you and your teachings. You inspired me and have been an important influence in my life. I read ( all) of your books. Read and listened to A Course in Miracles. Every morning I read your morning meditation that comes to my inbox. Because you embraced All people, your brilliant mind and wise heart have unified a divided world. The legacy you embody in this lifetime shines into eternity. Thank you, in love and gratitude ~ Betsy🙏

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Apr 24Liked by Marianne Williamson

I am Standing!! For all humanity as I/we learn the truth together. In the name of all that is holy, All people count. Thank you Marianne for standing for us, our well-being, our transformation to the sacred and for this awesome planet. May healing truth prevail and sacred choice and goodness be our human priority. AMEN!

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Apr 24Liked by Marianne Williamson

I've lived in the DC Metropolitan area for more than 40 years. My profession has been in house keeping/cleaning. Most of my clients are Jewish. They have been some of the BEST PEOPLE I HAVE EVER KNOWN! I was raised in an evangelical home[ dad was an evangelist preacher man] I was taught to love Israel and its people. I still do. Yes, the outrage at the suffering of the Palestinians is real. I stand with you Marianne. Shalom 🕊

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