Thank u Marianne for all u do and being a beacon of light in the darkness

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"A call to love instead of hate"...indeed.

But there is a problem. For more than a month now, Israel has been carrying out what Chris Hedges called "the final solution for the Palestinians". This assault on the population of Gaza has already resulted in over 10,000 civilians killed. Over 4,000 of them were children. This crime is being aided and abetted by the Biden administration at every step. The U.S. is the country that made it possible. This is from one of Hedges' latest articles where he describes the experience of watching a live feed from Gaza City during an attack on Al-Shifa hospital (Gaza’s largest medical complex):

"It is night. Israeli tanks fire directly towards the hospital compound... A deliberate attack on a hospital. A deliberate war crime. A deliberate massacre of the most helpless civilians, including the very sick and infants. Then the feed goes dead...We sit in front of the monitors. We are silent. We know what this means. No power. No water. No internet. No medical supplies. Every infant in an incubator will die. Every dialysis patient will die. Everyone in the intensive care unit will die. Everyone who needs oxygen will die... And what will happen to the 50,000 people who, driven from their homes by the relentless bombing, have taken refuge on the hospital grounds? Many of them, too, will die. There are no words to express what we are witnessing. In the five weeks of horror this is one of the pinnacles of horror...

Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders), which has staff working in Al-Shifa, issued a statement saying patients, doctors and nurses are "trapped in hospitals under fire" and called on the “Israeli government to cease this unrelenting assault on Gaza’s health system”. The statement read, "Over the past 24 hours, hospitals in Gaza have been under relentless bombardment. Al-Shifa hospital complex, the biggest health facility where MSF staff are still working, has been hit several times, including the maternity and outpatient departments, resulting in multiple deaths and injuries. The hostilities around the hospital have not stopped. MSF teams and hundreds of patients are still inside Al-Shifa hospital. MSF urgently reiterates its calls to stop the attacks against hospitals, for an immediate ceasefire and for the protection of medical facilities, medical staff and patients.” Three other hospitals in northern Gaza and Gaza City are encircled by Israeli forces and tanks. The U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reports that 20 of 36 hospitals in Gaza no longer function."

Those who want to get a glimpse into what is happening in Gaza as we speak can watch a CNN interview with Emily Callahan, a nurse activity manager with Doctors Without Borders, who just returned to the U.S. having spent 26 days under bombardments practically without any food and water. Chris Hedges continues in his article:

"Israel and Washington’s cynicism is breathtaking. There are no differences in intent. Washington only wants it done quickly. The active complicity by the United States is unfathomable. Nothing justifies this... And Joe Biden will go down in history as an accomplice to genocide."

But...not a single word from Ms Williamson on that. Not a single word. Not one. Neither in the above article nor in the previous piece. Nor in the one posted before it. Instead, she prefers to talk about TikToks, Reaganomics, and unload on Trump. She's offered a couple of token meaning nothing it-would-be-great-if-there-was-peace-everywhere bloviations and properly counterbalanced those with her "I stand with Israel" statement. This is not just hypocrisy. It is, plain and simple, covering for the Biden administration. Whether it's her intention or not, Ms Williamson is effectively doing for Biden the same thing as Biden is doing for Netanyahu...

Now, let me ask you this, ma'am. In what upside-down world does doing something like that qualify as "being a beacon of light in the darkness"?

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All of us. Everyday. In every way. Express authentic love. A powerful force will build in each of us. Together that force will overcome all obstacles.

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We are more powerful that we think ... What we manifest becomes our reality ... Therefore, what we say, do and think is extremely important ... We can certainly disagree with what we are hearing on the right ... but we don’t have to hate the people that are saying it! ... Nicely Written!

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"In any situation, the person most able to describe reality without blame will emerge as the leader; whether designated or not" (Edwin Friedman) ENTER, MARIANNE WILLIAMSON.

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This is so well articulated! Thank you for putting into words our own call to protect and set in front of us the principles and structures that have served us so well. You have named the threat and given us words to stand on. We need to gravitate toward love and wholeness for all and resist those things that tear us apart. Let us not sleep through this trying time. Let us light the way and share this vision.

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Cathy, good words! Indeed, we cannot sleep through these days. 🙏

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The following post is dedicated to Marianne, one of the 36. I wish America and her all the best in this coming reckoning, we all shine on https://mercurialworldcitizen.substack.com/p/are-you-one-of-the-36?sd=pf

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Na just love.

As the problem is political that is not the solution.

Seeking power over others is fascism and its the mantra for politics

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We need to focus on what we want more of, instead of focusing on what we don't want. People don't understand how powerful they are through the thoughts they think and the words they speak. We spend way too much time focusing on what we don't want and we just seem to keep getting more of that. Let's start focusing on the world we want to live in and so far, the only candidate I've seen that is focusing on moving us into that world is Marianne.

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You are so right! Let's build a new and better world of love and help solve the problems that is inclusive and not exclusive like Trump!

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She has stated many times that they must call for a ceasefire . She has said the only way to stop this is to insist on peace talks with the surrounding countries and to insist this come to an end . Please do not write things that are not rude until you look at all her Substack and all her videos .

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Thank you, Marianne, for your brave, centered leadership. You place each of us right where we need to be - in the Light of Day. Yours is a Call to Action from our depths! To be Love in Action!

Thank you. I am confronted, humbled, and emboldened! Now to act.....

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LOVE resolves and dissolves all conflict, in ourselves and in the world. Thank you Marianne for your wise words and focus.

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Well said!

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Your recent post certainly strikes at the heart of current political discourse. However, I find myself seeking something beyond the familiar call to oppose a particular figure or ideology. The absence of a detailed roadmap for change or innovation makes it feel akin to a continuation of the status quo. This kind of messaging might not fully resonate with those of us searching for transformative ideas and concrete steps towards progress, as opposed to just a rallying cry against a common adversary.

What would be truly engaging is encountering political figures or movements that foreground policy specifics and actionable strategies. The kind of leaders who not only outline the challenges but also lay out clear, step-by-step plans to address them, with measurable goals. In that vein, while your call to harness love and turn dedication to tolerance and freedom into a political force is noble, it would be greatly bolstered by tangible policy details and innovative solutions.

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Don, Marianne does have tangible details and solutions. Go to her presidential website Marianne2024.com. You will like what you read there!

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I think for this moment it’s all up to us. Together in strong solidarity we can and will prevail. Maybe you have some suggestions of your own for concrete steps to share with the group.

Marianne is a force for progress.

Her post today was moving and bolstering.

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Are you asking of her campaign status or her platform?

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I wasn’t asking anything.

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However I will check out the link below. Thank you.

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Or we could take a leap of faith and allow the universe to organise the rest✨😎✨

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I am so glad you knew he was a fascist himself! He actually sounds like Hitler the way he could manipulate the people the way he did to destroy his enemies and he threatens everybody! Like Hitler he's all about himself! He wants everyone to bow down and worship him like he is God! We're behind you all the way Marianne!

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a self-fulfilling prophesy he is..."like vermin within the confines of our Country"

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