Marianne, thanks for sharing the video. I have the greatest respect for Coleen Rowley since I know she tried her best to warn those in power about the plan around 9/11, including the person finally arrested in Minnesota, where I live. She was terribly sidelined!

So I will watch the interview after taking a needed break from another week of madness on Earth! Unfortunately, in my not so humble opinion, I think out-of-control patriarchy is leading the world toward extinction--those not realizing that force, power, injustice, and self-interest are highly harmful behavioral characteristics quickly killing all of us these days: either literally or figuratively!

Regardless of these toxic days, we must also try to embrace the good endeavors enveloping around us that we aren't appreciating enough. And we must each tend to our own well-being so we can live to fight another day for the generations to follow so they aren't living in a hellish environment with unbreathable air, undrinkable water and poisoned soil. Let's hope COP 26 actually accomplishes something but I am not holding my breath on that until we can get a better grasp on resolving the resistance of fossil-fuel emitters.

Meanwhile, peace and safety to all readers herein who have reverence for life and still care about human rights and civil rights. My heart bleeds for all of us. Take care! Marianne, you remain a Braveheart--blessings to you!

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Marianne of America; a Joan of Arc for our times.

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Every entity has a shadow side. It takes courage to reveal it as you provoke the forces that conceal it. Thank you for taking a stand.

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This panel discussion is exactly what mainstream media should be streaming/reporting. Thank you and the panel members for coming forward with unencumbered conversation. Brava, Bravo. Thank you ALL!

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I want to pull my mind away from politics as many a yogi suggests but I simply cannot look away from the courage of my earthly family members who suffer so severely because of the ego thought system. Thank you for your courage, strength and tenacity🙏☮️

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Thank you, Marianne, for always delivering common sense. 🙏

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Your intelligence and bravery are admirable. 🙏. I have always wanted to learn about this topic.

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I have been in Brussels two weeks ago, 20 years after my Erasmus in Liège and returned back completely traumatized, structures and administrations are disempowering people right now, I am convinced, all that stuff does not work anymore 😬😣😔

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Thanks for the straight talk! And for leading the way...

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You and your panel are absolutely right.....criminals are running this country. Isn't it interesting that our American values are to tell the truth and it's the last thing those in charge want to hear. We learn as children to tell people what we think they want to hear for our safety and that has become a cultural norm and certainly how our government operates. I spent 40 years working in state and federal government agencies that promoted: don't tell the truth, don't think for yourself, don't rock the boat, don't be creative, don't be all that you can be and we don't say what we mean or mean what we say. After watching the series on the Wisdom of Trauma, it's very clear to me that our Department of Human Services is a trauma inducing department with ground zero being Child Protection, with Child Protection feeding the other departments in Human Services such as Job Corps, jails/prisons and homelessness.....not to mention a child that's been in the Social Services system for 18 years, to include the Foster Care system, are the perfect prey for the sex trafficking industry as they are dumped onto the streets on their 18th birthday.

It's time for the rest of the kids on the play ground to stand up to the bullies and let them know they aren't running the show anymore. I have worked in Corrections, Child Protection, Job Corps and at the VA with homeless Veterans and I have a big picture view just how traumatizing our government agencies are and how the intention is to keep people in survival mode in order to control them and continue to get more funding because when they can't get out, the numbers rise. People are making big bucks off the backs of the clients in the system and they certainly don't support anybody who is willing to share just how dysfunctional these agencies are.

Thank you for all you are doing to help wake people up because WE are the only ones who can stop the bullies.

Patti Zachery

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Fantastic video. A great gathering of people who speak truth to power. Thank you.

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Thank you for covering the case of Julian Assange. Censorship is a fundamental tool of tyranny. It is an attack on the US Constitution's bedrock of freedom. The people behind this are the opposite of spiritual. They re the ultimate in materialist predators. This is why they have no reservations about torturing the best among us. We must be compassionate wherever possible (including to ourselves), but it is also our spiritual duty to fight evil. Evil only succeeds when good people do nothing. Thank you for your well guided efforts.

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Thank you for sharing this. The panel was so informative. I hope there is a shift in consciousness and we start trying the true criminals.

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