Systems Scientist Anneloes Smitsman has a great approach to modifying our global

economic system: repositioning it as Economy of Life, and recognizing the importance of the relationship to our existence in the cosmos. This entails raising awareness of our need for clarity on a collective scale. Our duality and polarization if continued will collapse all systems. We must recognize our wholeness and start from there: this is a paradigm shift since we view ourselves as separate that causes competition, war, etc. Well, we need to be co-creating since our resources are finite so we will ultimately have to share our water, soil, etc. to survive. We can do this and become a joyful Earth; otherwise, we're done. Smitsman's Third Way creates the and and that we need to thrive instead of either or. She rises above political views on economics and co necessary it with our existence on our planet.

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When are you going to start talking to Michael Hudson?

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As someone who works in the communications industry and as a student of truth, I believe we have the exact political system that our collective consciousness will create. I’m realizing how true it is that every right gesture, every right thought, matters right now - business can evolve! ✌️

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I made a few blips in my previous post. Does this blog have an edit tool? Anyone know? I don't see one so forgive my odd last sentence to my earlier post.

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