The power of celebration in our lives and in the world
Passover, Easter and Ramadan fall quite close together this year, and their spiritual energies are bursting out all over. Yes, all the usual challenges that confront us are on full display. But there’s something else that’s happening as well…a sense of something new in the offing, voices rising on behalf of justice, old ideas being discarded and replaced with new possibilities. New growth is evident, a dying order is gasping its last breath, and more and more people seem eager to usher in a new dawn.
I see it in the new leaves on the tree outside my bedroom window, I see it in the voices of those standing up to racist legislators in Tennessee, I see it in GenZs on Tik Tok who are claiming their own truth and refusing to buy into stale and prepackaged narratives. I feel a pressure coming up from the bottom of things, like the push a pregnant woman feels when her body is saying, “It’s time, it’s time.” Life is doing now what life always does. It’s discarding and dispelling what no longer works, in favor of new life, new spring, new beginnings, and new hope.
Such are manifestations of this season. Can we, in our lives and in our time, overcome the forces of darkness that threaten? Can we rise above the voices of death, from those that would addict us to those that would oppress us, and make our way to a risen state? From Moses leading his people out of Egypt toward the Promised Land, to Jesus rising from the cross, may the power of those images strengthen our resolve as we journey from darkness into light.
To all of you, my best wishes this Easter. Billions of people all over the world are joined in agreement today that love does, after all, cast out all fear. May the power of that agreement bring forth a great Light. May everyone feel it, may all of us be healed by it, may all of us feel today the stirrings of new life.
May he who led his people out of Egypt remind us of the spirit that leads us all, may he who rose now rise in all of us, and may the word Hallelujah be more than a just a word for all of us today. A choir of angels singing means a choir of new thoughts rushing in to remind us who we are, why we’re here, and the power of God that enlivens and informs us.
Today is a day to celebrate. And what we celebrate we will bring forth. Every leaf that springs forth, every moment of forgiveness, every word of love, every stand for justice - may they be magnified a millionfold, in us and in all the world.
The received this message on Easter 23 years ago and asked to share it with the world.
We awaken this Easter Morning with the opportunity to begin again
to complete our Passover from the bondage of fear and doubt and pain, to the Freedom of Love and Hope and Peace.
Reborn, Re-Created, Resurrected Every Moment.
The death of each preceding moment proclaims the birth
of the present, perfect, Pascal Moment.
And in this Moment-to-Moment adventure of life,
every time we Intentionally choose Love;
Healing Joyful Love streams forth from us into the World.
In every new moment of every new day
exists the truth and the promise
of renewal, resurrection and rebirth.
This is not a rebirth from death, but a re-awakening,
a re-empowerment, a revelation of the newness of now.
The entire potential of the Universe exists totally, completely and ONLY
in this this eternity.
Each day could be our re-awakening to Love.
How to go about Loving today could be our only question. And when we ask, the answer will come instantly.
The Resurrected Christ in every one of us is ever present and available to guide us in Love.
In any situation we can ask, “What would Love do now.”
If we would only remember to ask, the answers will be given.
If we would only learn to listen, we will hear the voice of our true nature. If we would only choose act on the guidance we receive;
we would live inspired and powerful lives
that bring peace to ourselves and to the world
Today we could choose Love before, above, and instead of all else. There is really only one other choice.
We have made that other choice many times in the past.
The result was always the same.
Choosing fear has only brought us conflict. Choosing Love has only brought us Peace.
Choosing fear has only brought us despair and indifference. Choosing Love has only brought us Hope and Compassion. Choosing fear has only brought us anger and conflict. Choosing Love has only brought us Reconciliation and Peace.
Each of us must in every moment make the choice to Love or Fear
No one can choose for us.
Forgive and forget the choices of the past. Choose Now. Choose Love
this moment and the next and the next and the next.
Awaken today to a Dawn of Trust.
Open our Hearts to see with the eyes of Compassion.
This Easter Morning let us accept the resurrection that we celebrate as our own.
Very much agree that new energies are now at play to discard what is no longer needed. Maybe it's just me, but things feel different and new again in a way I haven't felt in a long time.