Jun 12, 2022Liked by Marianne Williamson

This is happening. Thank you for featuring it. If people don't believe that these things are going on until it happens to them (or someone they love) personally, then it will be harder to stop.

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Going to the Pride parade today to support my non-binary son. Prepared to die, if dying asking me.

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Jun 12, 2022·edited Jun 12, 2022

We must remain vigilant with many people fearful and angry--an explosive time.

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Jun 12, 2022·edited Jun 12, 2022

Is this the featured arrest whereby a group of men are wearing near identical clothes, all kneeling cuffed with zip ties and their faces are covered wearing baseball caps?

Chris Morris wrote a movie "The Day Shall Come" (a comedy with a message) it is based on real data that three letter agencies were the biggest funder and instigator of these violent plots. Morris's interview with channel 4 is well worth a watch - then go back and review the arrest photo - its too organised, why are faces of arrested men covered.

Your presumption is the violence will come from the right, it may, making a generation useless and hopeless does not bode well for peaceful society. But it seems to me the people with the most to gain and the most history of instigating violence is your government and it's three letter agencies - keeping the people fearful and divided. Perhaps your focus on the past is causing you to have a preconception that you cannot see beyond, so are seeing a threat where there is brokeness and missing where the threat truly is.

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Keep on fighting Marianne!

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Like the typical Democrat, you dismiss BLM (a George Soros creation) and Antifa, a terrorist organization, while attacking the "Proud Boys", most probably a false-flag creature of the deepest part of the deep state, the Agency. No doubt, they have recruited marginal types who have fallen for their line of hateful rhetoric. However, in terms of sheer numbers and acutalizable power, they are bit-role players compared with the fascistic faux leftists who call themselves Antifa.

Another organ of state terror is the FBI, which has become essentially a hand-in-glove set of apparatchiks which works closely with the crime clans such as the Pritzkers, who currently run the Chicago machine and work through their agents such as Rahm Emanuel and his agent, Barak Obama. Not to say that the duopoly "opposition", the Republicans are not without their particular warts, such as Senators McConnell and Graham, who, though representing states with huge numbers of Southern Baptists and Holy-Rollers, topped with Dominionists; happen to have sexual preferences, which if aired by their blackmailers and bribers, would rapidly become politically ruined in Kentucky and South Carolina.

The entire system is run on the basis of blackmail and bribery. The bribery part has worked exceedingly well for Tremblechin McConnell (as well as for Nancy Pelosi), as they have amassed countless tens of millions while "serving" as alleged representatives of the American people.

Those "Proud Boys" have long been deeply infiltrated by the FBI, which as an administrative bureaucracy of the metastasizing police state; maintains the iron rule of bureaucracy by creating criminals and thus bolstering their own position as the leading law-enforcement body in the nation by means of their "fusion centers" and by utilizing their infiltrators in virtually every major state and local law-enforcement agency in the country.

Only the politically naive believe the lies and obfuscations of the mass media of misinformation and mind-control. Yes, there are nut-cases who are readily motivated to carry out nasty actions targeting people who have long been marginalized. But they must be considered as unwitting and mind-controlled agents for deep anti-social agendas by as Teddy Roosevelt called them more than a hundred years ago, "the malefactors of great wealth".

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Jun 16, 2022·edited Jun 16, 2022

What happened to your gay friend is horrible - being dragged violently attacked for having coffee with a man? I could never defend people who do that, or condone that, and I'm not defending the Proud Boys.

But - (*Please* don't mistake this for being "anti" trans or "anti" pride celebrations or drag queens.) - I understand why some people have serious problems with what's happening now, with children. There's a push to equate anyone not OK with drag queens and kids to be coming from the same bigoted place as those men who dragged your friend out of a coffee shop.

But there are questions of what's happening now, that aren't bigoted, transphobic, and are often the literal opposite of homophobic .. and it's forbidden to be spoken of .. with the same rush to condemn and exclude as a super strict religious cult would condemn premarital sex or gay relations, now progressives condemn anyone who feels there's something really, really, wrong with what's happening with children and gender and changing biological sex.

There is something happening now - that is specifically targeting children - that is going far beyond creating a world where if a child doesn't feel they fit with the stereotypical aspects of their birth sex, and/ or if they feel they may be not heterosexual, that the world will still welcome, and love them. Far beyond if someone has made a conscious, informed consent, thoughtful decision to hormonally / surgically change their biology, that they deserve a life of respect and equality as a full human being.

There is something else happening.

If anyone is still reading this, I am not defending the group called the Proud Boys. I'm explaining that what this act brought attention to shouldn't just be looked at by focusing on the Proud Boys.

Maybe these particular drag queens are really lovely people, just wanting to share some innocent happiness with children. Wanting kids to know that if they're boys and feel like wearing dresses, that's OK.

But something is going on where children are led - quickly, by online forums, tiktok, search engines, and often well meaning teachers and counselors, from feeling like they're not a typical boy or girl, to wondering if they were born in the wrong body, to feeling sure they were born in the wrong body, to being told that puberty blockers are safe and "reversible".

And sometimes the first stop on that fast moving train is Drag Queen Story Hour, and all that's connected to pushing sexuality onto children.

It's not homophobic to say that young kids are too young for sex education from schools and libraries and drag queens. And drag burlesque shows where little children put dollar bills in the side of dancers' thongs, near a neon sign that says "It's Not Gonna Lick Itself".

There's a push to get children thinking obsessively about gender identity - and to change their bodies in irreversible ways while being far too young to comprehend what they're doing. Which seems like the opposite of what gays and lesbians fought for - to be able to live As They Are.

But when many who medically transitioned reach mid 20's, when the brain is developed enough to make such decisions, so many have deep regrets, and often commit suicide. The "gender affirming" counselors say that if a child is miserable in their body, it could save their life if they change biological sexes. And maybe there are some who truly have known all their lives they were born in the wrong body, who would be better off transitioning.

But so many, so many more, have "Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria", from outside influences. They may have an inner realization that they have a masculine spirit in a girl's body, or a feminine spirit in a boy's body. Actual affirmation would affirm them as they are, not carve them up. Didn't generations fight so those who don't conform to traditional gender roles and appearances can be fine as we are?


But now, gender nonconforming is considered something that needs some sort of treatment, that needs so much "affirmation", but it's not actually affirmation ... the cultural energy, and schools, and social media, (and google .. "what are the 72 genders?") ... quickly lead to sites like this - https://www.gendergp.com/faq/

that are eager to help connect kids as young as just before puberty with medical "treatment". They say - "Medication to stop puberty is totally reversible. Please see our myth buster for more information." No. No, it is not. It is carcinogenic, has unknown long term effects, and is Definitely Not Reversible.

Similar to another thing where pharma stands to make a lot of money, and there is No Informed Consent because assurances of safety are given based on lies, children are encouraged (especially in California), to make serious choices without telling their parents. Not to make light of being disowned by a parent because of coming out as queer or trans, which is what's claimed as reasons to coach and help kids lie to their parents, but the vast majority of times, the parents would not reject the child, they would ask them to slow down, and not make irreversible decisions so young and quickly.

And many regret it. But there is an extremely powerful (reactionary, immature, angry, and refusing to have a shred of self reflection - sorry, but it's true) movement that claims to be for trans rights, but it's also about shutting down Any Questioning of what's happening. Shutting down any statements that say biology is real, biology is binary. Gender and identity might be all sorts of things, but biology exists.

How did we get to a world where simply pointing out that biology exists receives hatred from progressives? Because caring, and solidarity are so easily manipulated. This is the same world were pointing out there are serious problems with certain medical products rushed out receives hatred from progressives, who believe these products from pharma (including puberty blockers) are actually safe as advertised.

So many kids regret transitioning. It's not "anti trans" to point that out.

In Canada, it's considered child abuse to misgender your child - dhttps://www.nationalreview.com/corner/canadian-judge-strips-transgender-childs-parents-of-rights/

I know many mean well and are trying to help children discover themselves. But some of those well meaning people are being influenced by some things behind the scenes ... I would not have believed this even a year ago, but some of the same people are behind the push to change children at the level of biological sex (without informed consent), and the push to change humanity at the genetic level (without informed consent).


And to change humanity itself -

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postgenderism - Wikipedia is not the most trustworthy source, but interesting to read this. I do think this is where the focus on pronouns and gender reassignment and "affirmation", is ultimately going.

This is a heart touching conversation between biologist Heather Heying and someone who writes about the irreversible damage transitioning is doing to children.

These are not bigoted transphobes. They respect the dignity of all people. They respect transgender people. But they are seeing, the toll the current trajectory is taking. https://naturalselections.substack.com/p/the-torment-and-tragedy-of-teenage?s=r

If anyone read this far, thank you. This is not to defend the Proud Boys. But the media would love that anyone who does not feel good about drag queens + young kids is equated with the Proud Boys in everyone's mind.

It's not just them, it's not just homophobes or transphobes or sexual purists or conservatives who are horrified at what's happening with kids in environments, in the physical and online and political worlds, that lead to them considering changing their biological sex, and what's happening with our world where wanting to have a conversation about maybe some of this is harmful ... is immediately jumped on to be ridiculed and cancelled.


- "Why are we giving teenagers the choice to have cross sex hormones almost ten years before the part of the brain responsible for decision making and understanding consequences has even developed?

There is no evidence that hormone blockers are safe.

This generation are guinea pigs, and the fact that scientists and doctors are staying quiet about this is criminal.

"I can tell you there are thousands of us [detransitioners] – our voices are hidden because we are seen by the queer community as an inconvenient consequence of their movement. We are collateral damage for the ‘greater good’."

Speaking at #lesbianstrength in Leeds yesterday. pic.twitter.com/d7pbx7W24b

— Charlie Evans (@charlie_sci) September 8, 2019"

Thanks for listening ...

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white supremacist thinking is denied, and ignored because it either has not significance (kids will be kids), and it couldn't happen here. It is happening, how can we allow it and after all "who are we"? We won't meet violence with violence, we won't meet hate with hate but what to do, what do? I stand on the shoulders of my extended family murdered in the ghettos and camps. I don't know what to do. I'm feeling powerless but I will not be silent.

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Can't believe you are falling for the theatre Marianne. I used to respect your knowledge and intelligence, but now I question it. I don't question your heart or compassion or spirituality, but your ignorance of how the FBI and other state actors create these false events for public consumption and propaganda is appalling.

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And yet we just sent another 40 billion dollars into the coffers of the weapons industry, with all Democrats voting for it (not a single dissent among them, how does that happen?), to continue weaponizing and managing a proxy war through a violent nazified controlling regime and military in the Ukraine, who've been murdering thousands of civilians in the Donbass for at least 8 years without a peep of concern coming from the MSM during that period. A regime established with the CIA backed coup in 2014, which most Americans seem pretty thoroughly uninformed, even oblivious, about...or just in some old fashioned denial about. And apparently we'll keep sending more and more destructive and deadly weaponry over there, feeding that violent flesh-shredding industrial monster, while making the fat cats richer and richer, until the last innocent Ukrainian is left standing, until thousands of soldiers on all sides are killed, or until we finally trigger a nuclear disaster. Because to negotiate a peace settlement would somehow be far worse. Or so we're being conditioned to swallow, internalize, and believe...as an article of blind obedient faith. There seems to be lots of cognitive dissonance, denialism, and lots of real hypocrisy going on, which isn't too uncommon these days. It's become the norm. Much of it is bizarrely destructive, incongruent, evil, and lacking in empathy, but not too uncommon or abnormal. Nazis here: bad. Nazis there: good. This violence is bad. That violence is justified. Just like the burning of cities from the non-rioting "mostly peaceful" violence that came out of the BLM protests of 2020. Where are the hearings when it comes to that huge tragedy of events? Billions of dollars of damages were done, dozens of people killed, hundreds of people verbally and physically threatened and assaulted, businesses destroyed and burned down and gone forever. Hundreds if not thousands of people involved at some negative contributing level in the intimidation, violence, and destruction. But I guess if we over-identify with certain groups as being on our side, that they don't need to be held accountable then for equally or even way more violent behavior than occurred at the Capital and elsewhere. Because we can merely justify it away. And if we don't, or if we even ask some obvious questions about any of it, then we're a racist. Makes perfect sense.

It also helps that we have yet another overseas invented "Hitler" to project all our distractions upon. There's been a long line of them (do any of these names ring a bell? Castro, Saddam, the Ayatollah, Ho Chi Min, Chavez, Ortega, Maduro, Gadaffi, Noriega, Morales, Assad, etc. etc. etc.). And there's more to come, believe me. As long as there's any nation leaders left who are courageous and willing enough to disobey the dictates and power grabbing of the collapsing American Empire. But that's only if

we're still here to experience more of that same evil projecting recycled message that will be aimed at the next necessary "Hitler" to represent the fear that we should all be shuddering under, according to the establishment programming machine.

None of which is too hard to do with such an overwhelmingly complicit, CIA controlled, mass media bombarding the much-too-willing populace day in and day out with the same instilling message, meant to condition the masses into obedient silence and conformity. Dissent is now considered treasonous. How did that happen? While censorship and establishment driven indoctrination into uniform (not critical) thinking are the new champions of the day. Join the club of the indoctrinated or suffer the consequences. It's all sold to us in the usual way, as easy as it's been to sell us pharmaceuticals, cigarettes, vaccines, booze, divisions among the masses, junk food, an over-controlling two-party system which is really one party, and perpetual war along with the necessary perpetual enemy figureheads. Over and over again. It's the same messaging. Just with various inculcating messages. We live in an upside-down hypnotic non-reality.

Bad is only bad if it's "their" bad. It's not bad if it's "our" bad.

Just like one pathological lying president is constantly exposed for his lies.

While the next one is constantly covered up for his.

Yep. A truly upside-down hypnotic non-reality.

But I guess that's what all upside-down hypnotic non-realities look, act, and feel like.

Whew. I'm sure glad at least that none of this is real.

Now I can go back to sleep.

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Marianne -- Until we take a deep dive into the inequality in our country let alone the world, we are moving those deck chairs on the Titanic. All ills, if you drill down, are coming from that putridness of end-stage capitalism where the rich serve themselves to get richer and the poor get poorer. How about some version of UBI for all civilized people worldwide -- food, shelter, education and health care? Then you have a playing field in which people can think the enlightened thoughts we need to get us on the right track, where people in survival can't. How about taking on that advocacy?

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Like you, I am far from a cheerleader for the "Half-Measures" Democrats. We need to focus, though, on those who pose the greater threat-the puppet masters controlling the mobs on the Far Right, and their minions.

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Thank you for staying awake Marianne 💕🙏

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The deeper, thornier issue is that the Proud Boys are symptom not cause. When the FBI say far-right, it means Christian fundamentalist. Charismatics, Dominionists, New Apostolic Reformists, Deliverance Ministries, People of Praise, many Evangelicals and Pentecostals, some Catholic crossover, the list is long. It's not a single organism but thousands of cells and cell colonies. It IS an existential threat to America and probably to the world.

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Jun 12, 2022·edited Jun 12, 2022

While White Nationalism is not new, the recruitment, radicalization process, and organizational structure (individuals and small group tactics) has evolved. This threat is real. “Bring the War Home”-Kathleen Belew tells the history of a few returning Vietnam veterans who re-sparked the White Nationalism/Supremacy’s movement with direct ties to OKC bomber’s Tim McVeigh and Jerry Nichols. They also wrote the military version of ‘how to wage’/guide to insurgency/counterinsurgency in the US called the “Turner Diaries”. Racism, public vilinence, disruption, destabilization. But it’s not just bombings, violence and intimidation perpetrated purposefully by individuals and small gangs or ‘cells’ (NOT “groups”) have a slow cancer-esque destabilizing political effect. Even the threat of violence has an effect on elected officials and on our Democracy. “We tolerate an ever increasing level of violence today” said Robert Kennedy in 1968. What would he say about the levels violence of today? These are terrorist organizations not just mere grievance groups. There is no doubt. There is no question what they are, nor the destruction and harm they can cause. They are Hitler’s Brownshirts, they are Mussolini’s Blackshirts, they are Putin’s Nighwolves ( and there is a lot of Kremlin encouragement globally to white nationalism). President Biden, designate the Proud Boys a terrorist organization NOW!

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