Marianne, Thanks for all you do. Please run again for president. I would support you. You have the most comprehensive and insightful understanding of what ails America. Because of your "spiritual" approach, I think some people write you off as not being serious. But, you are clearly serious and determined. I too take a spiritual approach to virtually everything, but don't always wear it on my sleeve.

I also, for a similar reason, think The Department of Peace needs a serious rebranding. People (including me) hear the name and tune out. I think its similar to the problem with "Black Lives Matter" and "Defund The Police", both great movements, but the names really bother people and causes they might otherwise support don't get the support they deserve. Corporations spend millions on branding. Its important.

Maybe the "Department Of Prosperity", The "Department of Success", I don't really know, but I hope you get what I mean.

Anyways, I love your work!

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Thank you for this spectacular interview, diving into details of the roots of our problems. It seems to me an important next step is to look into the financial center that coordinates the various corporate criminals. For example, the various corporate media outlets are obviously well-coordinated in their pushing the various corporate military agendas.

We need to "follow the money" back to that coordinating center. In the following video Ellen Brown, author of "Web of Debt", talks about how a few financial firms like Blackrock have controlling shares of most of our major corporations. She also talks with economist Michael Hudson, who discusses the oligarchic rot at the center of our financial system. I found this very factual and informative.

"Michael Hudson and Ellen Brown: "It's a War" on "It's Our Money""


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Marianne, I am grateful for the work you are doing behind the scenes that enables the people to discover the truths, like the topic herein. I didn't know our Pentagon helped enable Reagan to become President--that says it all! (And Andrew Cockburn is heroic in his work too!)

Over the past year, you have highlighted many corrupt activities ingrained in our social fabric that most folks don't realize impact their lives every day. I am impressed with your strong fortitude to continue on your path to help uplift humanity and our co-inhabitants on Earth. Also, I am deeply appreciative to you as well: now I must figure out where to channel my energy to assist since there are so many concerns that I often get overwhelmed about which one is the most important to tackle: saving our democracy, the climate emergency, health care for all, etc. But wherever I decide to focus this year will be due, in part, to being inspired by your grand Spirit!. Carry on as bravely as ever and stay well. Joan

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“Money and power … not legitimate security concerns … is what drives our ballooning military budget.” ... Thank You for this and everything you do!

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Seth Moultan is my congressman, he's a major part of the problem, I will start there.

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