Sep 21, 2021Liked by Marianne Williamson

And lets not forget to Listen harder.

Media are pathological an amplification of unconsciousness

Can we be aware of this?

To me it seems humanity is in state of regression, a collective insanity.

Society has a mental infection caused by a media spread thought form" covID19".

This has caused a collective psychosis, FEAR, so now healthy normal people are know seeing each other as threats.

Why did this collective hysteria not happen with the alleged 2002 global spread of MERS or Sars cov1?

The media.

And it is the media that makes so much noise, but only if we listen to it.

So many are now addicted to the daily ego feed of fearmongering, outrage and anxiety .

On foot in being and openness to the present moment and we will do/say whatever is needed in the moment.

Truth, even when whispered, is heard.

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Sep 21, 2021Liked by Marianne Williamson

Oh, Marianne, your voice is so eloquently and articulately LOUD on all the issues that matter - and followed up by meaningful action! You encourage & inspire us all to do the same!

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Thank you! I am loving this platform! You are so right on!!! You give me hope and strength!

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Sep 21, 2021Liked by Marianne Williamson

I also find that we're insulated from each other more and more. People are actually hostile about talking on the phone and say they want to communicate by e-mail and text, but then they don't read them. There's a mass disconnection that is only getting worse.

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Sep 21, 2021Liked by Marianne Williamson

And sing out! 😊🌹🎶❤

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Beautifully written, compelling call to action.

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Nobody says it better; A call to the Heart !!!

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Marianne, you are such an inspiration. I don't know much about American politics, but because of you, I am eager to learn, especially with everything that is taking place in Afghanistan at the moment. Here in South Africa, in a small distressed community, I seem to be able to relate the politics to the situation everywhere else and I have come to realise that even within the politics, if we are not able to start seeing each other as beings and from a place of love, which does not necessarily mean keeping quiet and not demonstrating anger. For a long while, I was silenced on matters that are rather urgent, such as the children of the community and their wellbeing in every sense and I am finally utilising my voice to stand up for what I believe is best for them.

I thank you deeply for teaching me and allowing me to pass on everything I am learning from you, onwards in these children's lives. We need a politics of love and humanity more than anything.

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Might This Be Loud Enough?

Love you spirit, your fierce compassion and razor-sharp, yet gentle analysis of the inner and outer vistas we roam about in…

It is all energy and how we choose to use that … creatively or destructively…there is a time and season for all things…energy is constantly deconstructing or morphing, it abhors sameness and stagnation…it is without limits and resists useless hoarding…

I too wrestle with my energetic being. When to speak, when to stay silent, when to act. Like someone has already mentioned … the wisdom to know when, where and how to make that decision in each moment presented to us. What has Covid taught us? Nature speaks to us and within us. She is both gentle and disruptive in her use of energy in guiding to necessary balance within and without. She knows how to rumble and roll, blow steam, whip the winds, rain and fire.

And she knows how to give and “time-out.”

All the things mentioned in this article are deeply valid and on point as to the changes needed. There is also a great cry for things to just return to “normal,”… God forbid! Which is actually a misnomer. Normality would be closer, but a better term is “Homeostasis”… the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements,

Money is energy. And it talks, nowadays louder than any human voice and takes over rulership… seems to be the only thing that moves mountains and makes humans feel powerless and often hopeless like a slave to it. I’ve had a vision, ever since back when the women’s movement was going on, that women needed to just go on strike in mass. No shopping, no cooking, cleaning, working, volunteering…a complete sit-out. This thought has percolated back up in recent years in regard to our power-money issue. Stop! Yes, just halt, stop, take advantage of what the recent “time-out” has shown us. Take back the day and night in mass. Don’t run to the stores and hoard. Just take 3 days or a week. Majority of Americans go on strike, stay home. No work, no TV, radio, computer, cell phones. No shopping, no fast food, no food delivery, no driving, no gasoline, no purchases … no money circulating. Have safe block parties, talk with your neighbors…not about politics. Get to know each other outside of were you work, what your job is, where you want to vacation next, what your next purchase is going to be. Play games, sing, dance. Share your true hearts desires, hopes and dreams…just be, just breathe together, actually look each other in the eyes and sense each other’s humanity.

There is power and energy in numbers. Big numbers!

Let the media come, but ignore talking with them. Let the world see. Let’s see what happens here and around the world.

Sketchy thoughts shared…

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Yes 👍 Yes 📀 Yes 🙏

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Marianne, I see the deep truths you cite herein. I moved to Austin, Texas in 2004, where I often visited the outstanding Lyndon Johnson Library. On my first visit there with my sister, we both cried after realizing all Lyndon had done for the people and what hasn't happened since! Then, I worked editing legislation at the Texas Capitol and realized the power there maybe even stronger than in DC or equals it for the worse not better.

I fled Texas in 2008 since most of the population didn't seem to care about a social safety net with horrid socio-economic metrics. Today, Texas laws diminish democracy, instill more violence with new gun laws, and are damaging women with terrible reproductive legislation that makes the whole state seem misogynist. Tragic. (I can hear Molly Ivins speaking louder in my mind. I only wish she was still with us but now in spirit.)

Right on Marianne! We must speak louder, louder, and louder still!

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Yes!! Yes!! This is so true. Thank you for putting it out there.

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We can talk louder without saying a word. Who we are and what we do has more impact than loud angry words that only serve to deepen divides.

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We cannot have a healthy culture and corporate 'personhood'. The Corporation needs to be banned as a legal entity. Nothing else will do...

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“our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter”

this is marianne williamson on the subject of vaccines

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You are ON FIRE Marianne. You came to my home in Hidden Hills some years ago when you ran for District 33. You were amazing then...and now you are 'next level' as the kids say. I am deeply moved by what you are doing, how you are doing it and the words you are choosing. THANK YOU!

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