Hi there. 😀

Just before this email showed up I was feeling sad and sorry for myself for being alone. Then I was wondering what God might make of it. So I prayed.

Beginner's mind. Yes. Forgiveness and atonement. Yes. I want to be part of the solution. I'm letting go of my ideas and believing in miracles. Yes.

Thank you for the timing of your message. May it ripple out far and wide.

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Thank you for this beautiful, inspiring, and practical essay.

Related thoughts: When we see that our innermost humble self, without accomplishments or status, is loveable, as a child is loved by their parent, or a soul by the Supreme Spirit, then we can feel fully loved and safe, and deeply relax.

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There is a phrase in Italian:" Dolce far niente," which means the sweetness of doing nothing.

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From your loving words and heart to many ready, receptive and willing minds ready to be the change we want to see. Amen

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You nailed it Marianne .

Taoism describes the state of “action-less activity” or “sitting quietly doing nothing" Wu wei . Rising above thought.

We have no excuse to not use the holi-days to be present.To just Be.

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"All minds on deck." Marianne, this is directly accurate of what's needed now! I will let it become my mantra--observing what miracles can unfold over the next few weeks and beyond when we get on board with this idea. Also, your writing of Zen made me automatically think to myself: "Let the Zen begin!" And 'love is it"! (It's NOT Coca-Cola😁.)

So wishing everyone well on their way to transformation--let's encouarage each other not to slip! We can do this--and Marianne is the great spark igniting our way!

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May the practice take only a week for some that has taken decades for me...and still the practice continues 😂💙📿🙏🏻

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So true. Our hearts, not our heads, should be running the show - personally and globally. G.I. Gurdjieff taught, "Make personality (mind) passive and essence (heart) active." If we let our mind rest and focus on the heart qualities, the heart will fill the head with the thoughts that we need personally and globally. Let's do that work!

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Something that has helped me take more responsibility for the outcomes I experience, comes from the book, “Real Love”, by Greg Baer. In this book he gives a definition of Love, which was really helpful for me to embrace – he says, “Real Love is I care about your happiness and wellbeing without expecting anything in return”. And what he says about expectations transformed my life. Greg says, “no one has the right to have any expectations of anyone, because when we do, we take away their right to choose”. When I finally embodied this – I realized that ALL of my anger, frustration, disappointment, and righteousness, came from my expectations of other people – how I thought they should do their job or how I thought the agency I worked in should care about its clients. Now when I am feeling frustrated or disappointed, I acknowledge I have an expectation. I ask myself what is the expectation I have of this person or situation? What result am I wanting? And how can I get that result myself? The really big thing that I began seeing is that when I have an expectation of another person – I am wanting their behavior to change to please me. That’s what Conformity is – the expectation that I’m going to change my behavior to please someone else – and I hate that. And yet, when I have an expectation of someone else, I am doing to them what I hate being done to me. This really helped me be in a more loving space, maybe it will help someone else.

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The only thing that is truly beautiful is the truth...and this is the truth.

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Thank u for this reminder do nothing. The pandemic and current snow are gifts to teach me to be still and listen for God’s direction. Carolynne /Edmonds WA

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Thank you for this. You provided an inspirational and meaningful message for what to do during the week between Christmas and the New Year.

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Amen🙏🏻And So It Is🕊Beautiful article and more than words on paper…

I have to “talk the talk & walk the walk”

~~12-Step Recovery~~”the Spiritual Life is not a Theory, We have to Live It”🌹

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Loving this so much ~ thank you thank you thank you

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That was absolutely gorgeous. Thank you for returning me to who I am.

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I am breathing that in, over and over. Thank you.

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