These are emotionally difficult times.
So many things are wrong, yet so many good things are struggling to emerge. It’s as though one world is dying and another world is trying to be born. This is one of those moments in history when a death spiral and rebirth are happening simultaneously. How could we not feel at the effect of all that turbulence?
Our greatest power to navigate the turbulence lies in the way we use our minds. Whether we’re more emotionally affected by the death of one paradigm of civilization, or the dawning of another, depends on how we choose to focus out thoughts. This isn’t always easy, but it can be done. The seas are rough, but we need not drown.
Starting tomorrow morning, we’ll be sending you a MORNING MEDITATION every day at 5am PT/ 8am ET. We need to train our attitudinal muscles, not just to be “more positive” but to be agents of the miraculous. That will take stillness, quiet, forgiveness, and love. Our greatest power to change the world lies in changing the way we think about it Our minds need to become conduits for fundamental transformation.
The meditations will arrive in both written and in audio form. I hope they help you center your thoughts on the good, true and beautiful at the beginning of each day. I hope they’ll help you find inner peace in the midst of worldly chaos. Remember: if you fill a room with light, then darkness can’t get in. If you fill your mind with love, then fear won’t have a chance…
Starting tomorrow.
Spread the word!
Thank you. For this and all of the beautiful things you bring to the world.
Wonderful! The journey without distance. Thanks, you beautiful woman!