Let me remember I’m already complete.
I need not create the perfect me, for God has already created it. There is no hole that I must fill. I am not lacking, for I am complete in God.
My only need is to remember who I am: a child of God, eternally innocent and changelessly pure. As I align my personality with the truth of my spirit, the light within me then shines through. It is to this process that I dedicate my life today.
Dear God,
Please remove from me
The fears that hide my love,
The darkness that hides my light
And the defects that hide my beauty.
Purify my thinking,
That I might be a reflection on earth
Of the love that is divine.
Let me remember I’m already complete.
Marianne, I love your meditations. This one is so central, and so hard to remember! Thank you and blessings on you and your work.
I am already complete..I've been trying to change myself for years