TRANSFORM with Marianne Williamson
Morning Meditations
Morning Meditation

Morning Meditation

My work for God is effortless

My work for God is effortless

Ego struggles but spirit creates, and with effortlessness and joy. I rise above the burden of work as I give what I do to God. It doesn’t feel like work to work for love.  

Angels push me from behind today, and guide my thoughts and actions. I relax into the flow of love, allowing myself to float upon the waves of a cosmic sea. I surrender to the experience of easy accomplishment and joy.

Dear God,
I surrender to You
My worldly efforts.
May I know not tension
But joy,
As I am carried by the flow
Of love.

My work for God is effortless

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TRANSFORM with Marianne Williamson
Morning Meditations
Meditations by Marianne Williamson