The world is either like a hologram or is a hologram, depending on who you talk to. But metaphorically the image works either way. If you cut a hologram into millions of pieces, you don’t get millions of pieces representing different parts of the picture. Rather you get millions of little replicas of the whole thing.
So it is with the entirety of the human race. On a worldly level we’re all separate and different, but on another level we’re all replicas of the same image. In reality we are the same image. At the deepest level of who we are, there is only one of us here (the esoteric interpretation of the Biblical injunction that “there is only one begotten Son.”) The meaning of our existence lies as much in our spiritual oneness as in our external differences.
Most of us encounter the most basic lesson in spiritual understanding when being taught as children about the Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would others do unto you. And why? Because they will. What we do to others we are doing to ourselves, and with the 3-D world we’re simply living out in space and time what is actually happening already. Whether we call this the Law of Cause and Effect or we call it karma, it’s not a mere belief but a description of how the universe operates. This is true between individuals and it’s true between nations, because nations are simply large groups of people. Attack someone and they’re likely to attack you back. Make war on the earth, and it’s very likely that in time the earth will make war on you. “For every action there’s a reaction” is far more than an opinion.
There are objective discernible laws of consciousness just as there are objective discernible laws of the outer world. The outer merely reflects the inner; when we violate laws of our internal nature we are setting in motion events on external planes. That’s why it’s so dangerous that as a species we have technologically outpaced our spiritual development. We are violating laws of nature and expecting no blowback in our external experience.
But it will come.
Unfortunately, the consciousness that prevails within most external institutions today is blind to the laws of consciousness. The modern ego - too often detached from the deeper dynamics of human existence, or even dismissive of their relevance - is a danger to itself and others. The blind are driving the car, while those who see are relegated to passenger seats in the back.
This is particularly true in politics. A mechanistic, unethical and even soulless consciousness - completely devoid of reverence for the natural laws of the universe - not only presents itself, but is perceived by far too many, as sophisticated worldly understanding. It represents a danger precisely because it is so unsophisticated, yet the world is entranced by its one-dimensional delusions. It certainly doesn’t move humanity forward, although it gives us the opportunity to see reflected in the outer world where we are so terribly stuck.
All this will change someday; it must, if we are to survive ourselves. The only question is whether it will change through wisdom or through pain. While it’s tempting to feel hopeless at times, in fact there’s more to be hopeful about than we might think at first glance.
The most powerful way to change the external world is through changing the filter through which we view it. The first thing it’s good to give up is our overemphasis on the majority. In fact, the majority isn’t as important as we think it is. The majority didn’t wake up one morning and say, “Let’s free the slaves,” nor “Let’s give women the right to vote,” nor even “Let’s declare independence from England.” Change never begins with a change in the majority, as the majority is by definition enrolled in the current status quo. Change happens because a small group of people, usually considered outrageous radicals at the time, simply have a better idea. And once the group of free thinkers hits a critical mass, the change they represent becomes inevitable. They might be laughed at, demonized, or even persecuted for their beliefs at the time, but ultimately whether they’re alive to see it or not their ideas become an established new order.
And so it will be with us. Enough aha moments will tilt things in the direction of a much better world. The ways of a loveless external establishment are crumbling as I write this; the ways of nature, of peace, of harmony - practiced on a collective scale - are in the midst of being born.
Looking forward to you being the secretary of peace in the Harris cabinet ❤️🙏
This was elegantly written and quite beautiful...we can only hope...thank you!