Sep 23, 2021Liked by Marianne Williamson

Yes. You've spoken before about how when Jesus healed the leper he simply said "Your faith has made you well" and how he said the faith contained in a mustard seed can move mountains. We either believe this stuff or we don't. Miracles come from conviction. 😊❤

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Thankyou for acknowledging God as her/him/it in this piece peace of wisdom. I believe that we must seek a balance of darkness and light. BALANCE being the key.

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I welcome and appreciate these reminders to feel uplifted and hopeful. On that note, I bid you good night and sweet dreams from Sacramento, California, while I see Maria's post saying good morning from beautiful Barcelona.

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Your spiritual messages are modern miracles! My favorite emails in my in box, every day.


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Your right Marianne: love is the only way to live a sane, joyful and peaceful life. It's priceless! And it's all that truly matters--all else is folly.

Marianne, blessings to you always for rising up everyday to help show us the way! I appreciate your guiding words of love, truth, and beauty too!

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Thankful to be reminded of this. Victim hood is rampid..Im a healer and bearer of love and of course a victor of all the trauma I have had in my life.I would rather send love to those that I think are wrong or foolish or at the end of the day unaware of what they maybe doing including myself.

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What we call a 'miracle' is actually Ultimate Reality breaking through the density of the human mind's limited capacity to see the Truth of Being this side of existence.

Perfection is already true: Two plus two already equals four, we don't have to work to make it so.

When we have been working with erroneous alternate beliefs ( 2 + 2 = 22, for example ) nothing we apply this error to works. Its application falls apart sooner or later. ALL our calculations are defective, no matter how well intentioned , because their premise is faulty and not conforming to a powerful, persistent, Reality which can not be altered.

Our focus then must be to find the already existing Truth, before we attempt to correct our defective situations. Conclusions are defective when error-based thinking is used because the results can only produce more confusion thereby creating bigger problems than the ones we set out to solve. The original error is amplified rather than corrected at the onset.

Let's chose rather to agree with eternal Truth and reason from there . We will know Truth by the sense of perfect Peace that it imparts - our calculations work. Let's chose to be a transparency for Light that already Exists in perfect purity as a goal before we tackle making corrections to anything.

No amount of false reporting will ever actually make 2+2=22, neither will false beliefs ever really touch the Truth that the correct answer to the question is FOUR. This fact that Truth can not die is the reason for Peace.

No darkness can extinguish The Light. Truth is eternal. We can rest deeply in this fact. Truth never changes. Truth is perfect. Truth seems like a miracle to human senses, but it is nevertheless always ever-present and preceded the so called 'problem' we seem to be having. We are just not seeing the answers readily available. We don't have to be confused and sad when we understand that the answers definitely exist, they are there for our finding.

Truth is a desirable destination. Should Truth not be our first goal?

If the Truth Is that we all exist in a state of perfect Love, all our 'problems' dissolve. Most NDE'r report seeing and feeling an overwhelming field of Love. If this is the Reality, why don't we see it?

Love for all living things may come at the expense giving up many of our most cherished 'personal' beliefs, (some of which may be based on false premises) but it gets easier to give them up when we realize these beliefs may be keeping us from the miracles at hand just waiting to transform existence as we presently know it into True Life. When the cost of clinging to hatred and anger gets high enough, won't we chose to reconsider our premises?

We can not 'fix' 2+2=22. We have to just stop using that formula altogether and let go of it to welcome the miracle waiting to reveal Itself. Do we really want Peace?

Living in the miracle sounds so much better than existing to fix problems. I'll take love over fear every day at any price.

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Beautiful prayer, thank you 😘

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Beautiful, thank you dear, love heals and forgiveness is the key to bring unconditional love to ourselves and others ❤️

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Emerson would love the idea of “limitless possibilities” of miracles that can occur through love and ❤️‍🩹 healing. The world does need love right now more than ever. You are a powerful beacon of love and healing light Marianne Williamson! Thank you. Blessings to you.

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Beautiful! Thank you Marianne ❤️

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Thank you Marianne for your gentle reminder that there is a better way! 💖🌎💖

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Thank you once again Marianne for your inspiring words. As others here have written, I needed this reminder as well. I think I need it every day. We always have a choice in every moment. It is truly amazing the mental (and gentle) shift that happens when we do bring conscious awareness into our daily lives. It does take discipline, but I remember a quote I read from Julie Andrews that I always liked: “Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me, it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly”

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Beautiful truth. Thank you for reminding us one more time, we need a return to love.

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I really needed this today. Thanks Marianne.

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